Saesneg ac Ysgrifennu Creadigol / English and Creative Writing

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CL10120 (Greek and Roman Epic and Drama) CL10120 Module
CL20320 (Classical Drama and Myth) CL20320 Module
EN10220 (Ancestral Voices) EN10220 Module
EN10520 (Contemporary Writing) EN10520 Module
EN11220 (American Literature 1819-1925) EN11220 Module
EN11320 (Critical Practice) EN11320 Module
EN11520 (The Beginning of the English Language) EN11520 Module
EN11620 (Critical Practice) EN11620 Module
EN19920 (Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change) EN19920 Module
EN20120 (Literary Theory: Debates and Dialogues) EN20120 Module
EN20920 (Literary Modernisms) EN20920 Module
EN21020 (Literary Geographies) EN21020 Module
EN21120 (Contemporary Writing and Climate Crisis) EN21120 Module
EN21220 (Literature and Climate in the Nineteenth Century) EN21220 Module
EN21620 (Contemporary Queer Fiction) EN21620 Module
EN22120 (Place and Self) EN22120 Module
EN22920 (Literature since the '60s) EN22920 Module
EN23120 (In the Olde Dayes: Medieval Texts and Their World) EN23120 Module
EN23420 (Demons, Degenerates and New Women (Fin de Siecle Fictions)) EN23420 Module
EN28720 (Writing Women for the Public Stage, 1670-1780) EN28720 Module
EN30040 (Undergraduate Dissertation) EN30040 Module
EN30120 (Reading Theory / Reading Text) EN30120 Module
EN30320 (Victorian Childhoods) EN30320 Module
EN30420 (Writing in the Margins: Twentieth-Century Welsh Poetry in English) EN30420 Module
EN30520 (Romantic Eroticism) EN30520 Module
EN30820 (Haunting Texts) EN30820 Module
EN31320 (The Mark of the Beast: Animals in Literature from the 1780s to the 1920s) EN31320 Module
EN33320 (Speculative Fiction and the Climate Crisis) EN33320 Module
EN33620 (Ali Smith and 21st Century fiction(s)) EN33620 Module
EN39420(American Literature in the Twentieth Century) EN39420 Module
ENM0020 (Late Modernist Poetry) ENM0020 Module
ENM0220 (Queer and Now: 100 years of Queer Writing) ENM0220 Module
ENM0560 (Master's Dissertation) ENM0560 Module
ENM0920 (21st-Century Medievalisms) ENM0920 Module
ENM1120 (Medieval Dreams and Marvels) ENM1120 Module
ENM1220 (Postwar American Fiction) ENM1220 Module
ENM1420(Postmodern Genres) ENM1420 Module
ENM1520 (Romantic Radical Cultures) ENM1520 Module
ENM1620 (Women, Fiction and Female Community, 1660-1792) ENM1620 Module
ENM1720 (Sensational Sales: Victorian Popular Literature 1848-1894) ENM1720 Module
ENM1820(Writing Ireland, Writing Wales) ENM1820 Module
ENM3020 (Research and Project Planning) ENM3020 Module
ENM3120 (Reading Ulysses) ENM3120 Module
PGM0410 (Ways of Reading) PGM0410 Module
PGM1610 (Public Engagement and Impact) PGM1610 Module
PGM1810 (Ways of Working) PGM1810 Module
PGM2910 (Research Writing Programme) PGM2910 Module
PGM4120 (Research Skills and Personal Development (0120)) PGM4120 Module
PGM4710 (Research Skills and Personal Development (Arts and Humanities) (2210)) PGM4710 Module
WL10120 (Re-imagining Nineteenth-Century Literature) WL10120 Module
WL10420 (Introduction to Poetry) WL10420 Module
WL11420 (Literature And The Sea) WL11420 Module
WL11920 (Peering into Possibility: Speculative Fiction and the Now) WL11920 Module
WL20220 (Reading and Writing Fantasy Fiction) WL20220 Module
WL20320 (Short stories: Grit and Candour) WL20320 Module
WL20420 (Reading the Classroom: from the Nursery to the University) WL20420 Module
WL20720 (A Century in Crisis: 1790s to 1890s) WL20720 Module
WL30620 (Remix: Chaucer In The Then and Now) WL30620 Module
WL32220 (Reading and Writing Science Fiction) WL32220 Module
WL35320 (Literatures of Surveillance) WL35320 Module
WR10020 (Reading for Writers) WR10020 Module
WR10220 (Critical Perspectives on Creative Writing) WR10220 Module
WR10420 (Introduction to Poetry) WR10420 Module
WR11020 (Beginning Creative Writing Part 1) WR11020 Module
WR11120 (Beginning Creative Writing Part 2) WR11120 Module
WR11320 (Creative Practice) WR11320 Module
WR20220 (Beginning the Novel) WR20220 Module
WR20620 (Writing Selves) WR20620 Module
WR21120 (Telling True Stories: ways of Writing Creative Non-Fiction) WR21120 Module
WR21720 (Shaping Plots) WR21720 Module
WR22120 (Adventures with Poetry) WR22120 Module
WR30040 (The Writing Project) WR30040 Module
WR31220 (Poetry for today) WR31220 Module
WR31820 (Crisis Writing) WR31820 Module
WR31920 (Writing Horror) WR31920 Module
WR32120 (Writing and Place) WR32120 Module
WR32320 (Kapow! Reading and Writing Graphic Narratives) WR32320 Module
WR32420 (Writing Crime Fiction) WR32420 Module
WR32620 (Writing Music) WR32620 Module
WR32720 (Big Ideas: Writing Popular Science) WR32720 Module
WR32820 (Humour and Conflict in Contemporary Writing) WR32820 Module
WRM6060 (Writer as Practitioner 2) WRM6060 Module
WRM6140 (Writer as Practitioner 1) WRM6140 Module
WRM6240 (Writer as Professional) WRM6240 Module
WRM6320 (Writer as Scholar) WRM6320 Module
WRM6420 (Modes in Contemporary Poetry) WRM6420 Module
WRM6620 (Writer as Professional) WRM6620 Module

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