Ieithoedd Modern / Modern Languages

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EL10310 (Introduction to European Film) EL10310 Module
EL10410 (Language, Culture and Identity in Europe) EL10410 Module
EL10520 (Introduction to European Film) EL10520 Module
EL10720 (Brazilian Portuguese (Basic)) EL10720 Module
EL10820 (Language, Culture, and Identity in Europe) EL10820 Module
EL20510 (Extended Essay Module) EL20510 Module
EL20720 (Brazilian / Portuguese Language II) EL20720 Module
EL30120 (Dissertation) EL30120 Module
EL30510 (Extended Essay Module) EL30510 Module
EL30720 (Brazilian / Portuguese Language III) EL30720 Module
FR10920 (Beginners French 1) FR10920 Module
FR11020 (Beginners French 2) FR11020 Module
FR11120 (Introduction to French Studies) FR11120 Module
FR12910 (Images of France: The French Family) FR12910 Module
FR19930 (French Language Advanced) FR19930 Module
FR20130 (French Language) FR20130 Module
FR20215 (French Language) FR20215 Module
FR20310 (Language of Business 1) FR20310 Module
FR20410 (French Language) FR20410 Module
FR21020 (Gender in Modern and Contemporary French Culture) FR21020 Module
FR21530 (French Language Beginners) FR21530 Module
FR22020 (French Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)) FR22020 Module
FR23320 (L'Art Du Récit (19e - 20e Siècles)) FR23320 Module
FR26120 (Humour and Literature) FR26120 Module
FR27020 (Self-Writing, 18th-21st Centuries) FR27020 Module
FR27110 (Voyage Et Litterature En France 17e-19e / Travel and Literature in France) FR27110 Module
FR27220 (Littérature fantastique, 18e-20e siècles / Fantastic literature, 18th-20th centuries) FR27220 Module
FR27820 (History, Film and Memory: Representing World Wars in French cinema) FR27820 Module
FR28020 (Narrating and Visualising French Colonialism) FR28020 Module
FR29110 ("...ISMES" Cultural and Artistic Movements in 20th c. France) FR29110 Module
FR30040 (Dissertation (Single Honours French)) FR30040 Module
FR30130 (French Language) FR30130 Module
FR30215 (French Language) FR30215 Module
FR30310 (The Language of Business and Current Affairs) FR30310 Module
FR30410 (French Language) FR30410 Module
FR31020 (Gender in Modern and Contemporary French Culture) FR31020 Module
FR32020 (French Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)) FR32020 Module
FR33320 (L'Art Du Rêcit (19e - 20e Siècles)) FR33320 Module
FR36120 (Humour and Literature) FR36120 Module
FR37020 (Self-writing, 18th-21st Centuries) FR37020 Module
FR37110 (Voyage Et Litterature En France 17e-19e / Travel and Literature in France) FR37110 Module
FR37220 (Littérature fantastique, 18e-20e siècles / Fantastic literature, 18th-20th centuries) FR37220 Module
FR37820 (History, Film and Memory: Representing World Wars in French cinema) FR37820 Module
FR38020 (Narrating and Visualising French Colonialism) FR38020 Module
FR39110 ("...ISMES" Cultural and Artistic Movements in 20th c. France) FR39110 Module
FRM1920 (French Language (Beginners)) FRM1920 Module
FRM2020 (French Language (Advanced)) FRM2020 Module
GE10810 (Exploring German Cultural Identity) GE10810 Module
GE11020 (Beginners German 2) GE11020 Module
GE11120 (Beginners German 1) GE11120 Module
GE19930 (German Language Advanced) GE19930 Module
GE20130 (German Language) GE20130 Module
GE20215 (German Language) GE20215 Module
GE21530 (German Language-Beginners (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)) GE21530 Module
GE22020 (German Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)) GE22020 Module
GE22210 (German Language) GE22210 Module
GE22820 (Children's Literature in German) GE22820 Module
GE26020 (Die Wende: Representations of Division and Unification in German Film) GE26020 Module
GE27110 (Short Prose in German) GE27110 Module
GE27220 (German-speaking Refugees from National Socialism in the UK) GE27220 Module
GE29120 (The Language of German Drama) GE29120 Module
GE30040 (Dissertation (Single Hons Modern German Studies)) GE30040 Module
GE30130 (German Language) GE30130 Module
GE30215 (German Language) GE30215 Module
GE31110 (Contemporary German Politics) GE31110 Module
GE32020 (German Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)) GE32020 Module
GE32210 (German Language) GE32210 Module
GE32820 (Children's Literature in German) GE32820 Module
GE36120 (Die Wende: Representations of Division and Unification in German Film) GE36120 Module
GE37220 (German-speaking Refugees from National Socialism in the UK) GE37220 Module
GEM1920 (German Language (Beginners)) GEM1920 Module
GEM2020 (German Language (Advanced)) GEM2020 Module
IT10820 (Beginners Italian 1) IT10820 Module
IT11020 (Beginners Italian 2) IT11020 Module
IT20130 (Italian Language) IT20130 Module
IT20215 (Italian Language) IT20215 Module
IT21120 (Italian Cities) IT21120 Module
IT21210 (Modern Italy) IT21210 Module
IT21530 (Italian Language-Beginners (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)) IT21530 Module
IT22020 (Italian Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)) IT22020 Module
IT22210 (Italian Language) IT22210 Module
IT30130 (Italian Language) IT30130 Module
IT30215 (Italian Language) IT30215 Module
IT30310 (The Language of Current Affairs) IT30310 Module
IT31120 (Italian Cities) IT31120 Module
IT32020 (Italian Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)) IT32020 Module
IT32210 (Italian Language) IT32210 Module
PGM4120 (Research Skills and Personal Development (0120)) PGM4120 Module
PGM4710 (Research Skills and Personal Development (Arts and Humanities) (2210)) PGM4710 Module
SP10610 (Hispanic Civilization) SP10610 Module
SP10820 (Beginners Spanish 1) SP10820 Module
SP11020 (Beginners Spanish 2) SP11020 Module
SP11120 (Study and Research Skills in Spanish and Latin American Studies) SP11120 Module
SP19930 (Spanish Language Advanced) SP19930 Module
SP20010 (The Spanish Avant-Garde) SP20010 Module
SP20130 (Spanish Language) SP20130 Module
SP20215 (Spanish Language) SP20215 Module
SP20310 (Language of Business and Current Affairs 1) SP20310 Module
SP20410 (Spanish Language) SP20410 Module
SP21530 (Spanish Language-Beginners (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)) SP21530 Module
SP22020 (Spanish Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)) SP22020 Module
SP22220 (Research Project) SP22220 Module
SP25020 (Seeing Spain Through Cinema) SP25020 Module
SP25220 (Spanish Cinema ii: New Tendencies) SP25220 Module
SP26020 (Cuba in Revolution) SP26020 Module
SP26120 (Spanish American Cinema) SP26120 Module
SP27020 (Cuban Cinema of the Revolution: Crisis, National Identity and the Critique of Contemporary Society) SP27020 Module
SP30040 (Dissertation (Single Honours Spanish and Latin American Studies)) SP30040 Module
SP30130 (Spanish Language) SP30130 Module
SP30215 (Spanish Language) SP30215 Module
SP30410 (Spanish Language) SP30410 Module
SP32020 (Spanish Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)) SP32020 Module
SP35020 (Seeing Spain Through Cinema) SP35020 Module
SP35120 (Reading Late 19th Century Literature) SP35120 Module
SP35220 (Spanish Cinema ii: New Tendencies) SP35220 Module
SP36020 (Cuba in Revolution) SP36020 Module
SP37020 (Cuban Cinema of the Revolution: Crisis, National Identity and the Critique of Contemporary Society) SP37020 Module
SP39910 (Traduccion al espa?ol) SP39910 Module

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