Adran y Gwyddorau Bywyd / Department of Life Sciences

Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
BBM1120 (Systemau Cyflenwi Cynaliadwy) BBM1120 Module
BBM1220 (Rheoli Deunydd Gwastraff) BBM1220 Module
BBM1320 (Dyfodol Pecynnu) BBM1320 Module
BBM1920 (Nwyddau Cyhoeddus) BBM1920 Module
BBM6220 (Amaethyddiaeth mewn Amgylchedd a Reolir) BBM6220 Module
BBM6320 (Asesiad Cylch Bywyd a Thu Hwnt) BBM6320 Module
BBM6420 (Manwl Fagu Da Byw) BBM6420 Module
BBM8720 (Prosesu Cig) BBM8720 Module
BBM8820 (Newid Ymddygiad) BBM8820 Module
BDM0060 (MRes Dissertation DL (A)) BDM0060 Module
BDM0120 (Research Methods) BDM0120 Module
BDM0260 (MRes Dissertation DL (B)) BDM0260 Module
BDM0320 (Livestock Nutrition) BDM0320 Module
BDM0405 Introduction to Controlled Environment Agriculture BDM0405 Module
BDM0505 (Plants in Controlled Environment Agriculture) BDM0505 Module
BDM0815 (The Science of Sustainable Food Production) BDM0815 Module
BDM1015 (Food Production and Consumption) BDM1015 Module
BDM1120 (Sustainable Supply Systems) BDM1120 Module
BDM1220 (Waste Resource Management) BDM1220 Module
BDM1320 (Future of Packaging) BDM1320 Module
BDM1415 (Restoration Ecology) BDM1415 Module
BDM1520 (Low carbon livestock - towards a greener future) BDM1520 Module
BDM1740 (Nuffield Scholarship Project (New Awards)) BDM1740 Module
BDM1840 (Nuffield Scholarship Project (Post-Completion)) BDM1840 Module
BDM1920 (Public Goods) BDM1920 Module
BDM2015 (Introduction to Sustainability and Adaptation) BDM2015 Module
BDM2115 (Ecological Assessment) BDM2115 Module
BDM2215 (Conservation Horticulture) BDM2215 Module
BDM2520 (Food Innovation) BDM2520 Module
BDM2820 (Ruminant Gut Microbiology) BDM2820 Module
BDM3005 (Business Opportunities and Managing Change) BDM3005 Module
BDM3120 (Nuffield Project Design) BDM3120 Module
BDM3220 (Nuffield Project Data Analysis and Presentation) BDM3220 Module
BDM3320 (Nuffield Scholarship Project Extended Report) BDM3320 Module
BDM3560 (Dissertation) BDM3560 Module
BDM5120 (Grassland Systems) BDM5120 Module
BDM5220 (Equine Reproductive Physiology and Breeding Technology) BDM5220 Module
BDM5320 (Equine Nutrition) BDM5320 Module
BDM5420 (Livestock Production Science) BDM5420 Module
BDM5620 (Silage Science) BDM5620 Module
BDM5820 (Genetics and Genomics in Agriculture) BDM5820 Module
BDM5920 (Livestock Health and Welfare) BDM5920 Module
BDM6060 (MRes Research Project (A)) BDM6060 Module
BDM6160 (MRes Research Project (B)) BDM6160 Module
BDM6220 (Controlled Environment Agriculture) BDM6220 Module
BDM6320 (Life Cycle Assessment and Beyond) BDM6320 Module
BDM6420 (Precision Livestock) BDM6420 Module
BDM6620 (Understanding Equine Action: from Anatomy to Behaviour) BDM6620 Module
BDM6920 (Horticultural Science) BDM6920 Module
BDM7520(Low Input Ruminant Production) BDM7520 Module
BDM7720 (Biorefining Techniques) BDM7720 Module
BDM8320 (Business Management for Rural Entrepreneurs) BDM8320 Module
BDM8420 (Plant Breeding) BDM8420 Module
BDM8720 (Meat Processing) BDM8720 Module
BDM8820 (Behaviour Change) BDM8820 Module
BDM9560 (Dissertation - Agrifood Innovation) BDM9560 Module
BDM9760 (Dissertation - Bioinnovation) BDM9760 Module
BDM9960 (Dissertation - Sustainable and Efficient Food Production) BDM9960 Module
BEM0005 (Introduction to Soils) BEM0005 Module
BEM0505 (Controlled Environment Agriculture 2 (Plants)) BEM0505 Module
BEM0605 (Controlled Environment Agriculture 3 (Agronomy)) BEM0605 Module
BEM0705 (Controlled Environment Agriculture 4: (Design)) BEM0705 Module
BEM1405 (Controlled Environment Agriculture 1 (Introduction)) BEM1405 Module
BEM1505 (Plant Breeding 1 (Introduction)) BEM1505 Module
BEM2005 (Plant Breeding 2 (Systems)) BEM2005 Module
BEM2105 (Plant Breeding 3 (Planning a Breeding Programme)) BEM2105 Module
BEM2205 (Plant Breeding 4 (Genetics and Biotechnology)) BEM2205 Module
BEM2405 (Life Cycle Assessment 2 (Interpretation and Evaluation)) BEM2405 Module
BEM2505 (Life Cycle Assessment 3 (Carbon Footprinting for Agricultural Systems)) BEM2505 Module
BEM2605 (Life Cycle Assessment 4 (Ecolabelling, Social LCA and Sustainability Assessment)) BEM2605 Module
BEM2905 (Waste Resource Management 1 (Introduction)) BEM2905 Module
BEM3005 (Rural Entrepreneurship 1 (Business Objectives and Decisions)) BEM3005 Module
BEM3105 (Rural Entrepreneurship 2 (Business Structures, Analysis and Market Integration)) BEM3105 Module
BEM3205 (Rural Entrepreneurship 3 (Balancing Business Risks)) BEM3205 Module
BEM3305 (Rural Entrepreneurship 4 (Business Resilience)) BEM3305 Module
BEM3405 (Waste Resource Management 2 (The waste hierarchy)) BEM3405 Module
BEM3605 (Behaviour Change 1 (Concepts, history, and global impacts of behaviour change)) BEM3605 Module
BEM3705 (Behaviour Change 2 (Nudge, free will and the ethics of behaviour change)) BEM3705 Module
BEM3805 (Behaviour Change 3 (Behavioural theories and intervention frameworks)) BEM3805 Module
BEM3905 (Behaviour Change 4 (Practitioner case studies )) BEM3905 Module
BEM4005 (Grassland Systems 1 (Characteristics and outputs)) BEM4005 Module
BEM4105 (Grassland Systems 2 (Animal nutrition and grazing management)) BEM4105 Module
BEM4205 (Grassland Systems 3 (Forage breeding, conservation and biorefining)) BEM4205 Module
BEM4305 (Grassland Systems 4 (Management challenges in a changing environment)) BEM4305 Module
BEM4405 (Waste Resource Management 3 (Waste valorisation)) BEM4405 Module
BEM4605 (Livestock Nutrition 2 (In vitro and in vivo feed analysis)) BEM4605 Module
BEM4705 (Livestock Nutrition 3 (Approaches to ration formulation)) BEM4705 Module
BEM4805 (Livestock Nutrition 4 (Gastrointestinal microbiology)) BEM4805 Module
BEM4905 (Waste Resource Management 4 (The circular economy)) BEM4905 Module
BEM5005 (Livestock: Health and Welfare 1/Nutrition 1/Production 1 (Fundamentals of Welfare and Nutrition)) BEM5005 Module
BEM6505 (Livestock Health and Welfare 2 (Measuring and Improving Welfare)) BEM6505 Module
BEM6705 (Livestock Health and Welfare 3 (Diagnosis and control of disease)) BEM6705 Module
BEM6805 (Livestock Health and Welfare 4 (The Bigger Picture)) BEM6805 Module
BEM7105 (Livestock Production 2 (Principles and Technology)) BEM7105 Module
BEM7305 (Livestock Production 3 (Reproduction and Health)) BEM7305 Module
BEM7405 (Livestock Production 4 (Environmental and business considerations)) BEM7405 Module
BEM8905 (Genetics and Genomics in Agriculture 1 (Introduction)) BEM8905 Module
BEM9005 (Sustainable Supply Systems 1 (Fundamentals)) BEM9005 Module
BEM9105 (Sustainable Supply Systems 2 (Functional Sustainability)) BEM9105 Module
BEM9205 (Sustainable Supply Systems 3 (Sustainability for Business)) BEM9205 Module
BEM9305 (Sustainable Supply Systems 4 (Moving forwards)) BEM9305 Module
BEM9405 (Genetics and Genomics in Agriculture 2 (Principles of Animal Breeding)) BEM9405 Module
BEM9605 (Genetics and Genomics in Agriculture 3 (Genome Editing and Genetic Modification)) BEM9605 Module
BEM9805 (Genetics and Genomics in Agriculture 4 (DNA Sequencing)) BEM9805 Module
BG10810 (Datblygu a Rheoli Cynefinoedd ym Mhrydain) BG10810 Module
BG11110 (Y Diwydiant Amaethyddol - Sgiliau Cynllun-Benodol) BG11110 Module
BG11410 (Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu Anifeiliaid) BG11410 Module
BG12110 (Amrywiaeth Microbau) BG12110 Module
BG12410 (Sgiliau Astudio a Chyfathrebu) BG12410 Module
BG13320 (Bioleg Cymhwysol Anifeiliad) BG13320 Module
BG13510 (Ecoleg) BG13510 Module
BG13610 (Y Blaned Werdd) BG13610 Module
BG15720 (Sgiliau ar gyfer Gwyddonwyr Bywyd Gwyllt) BG15720 Module
BG16820 (Sgiliau ar gyfer Biolegwyr) BG16820 Module
BG17020 (Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu a Gwyddor Da Byw) BG17020 Module
BG17220 (Sgiliau ar gyfer Biowyddonwyr Anifeiliaid, Ceffylau a Milfeddygol mewn Ffisioleg Ymarfer Corff Ceffy) BG17220 Module
BG17520 (Bioleg Celloedd) BG17520 Module
BG18040 (Rheolaeth Cnydau, Glaswelltir, Priddoedd a Thir Amaethyddol) BG18040 Module
BG18420 (Technoleg Amaethyddol a Diogelwch Fferm) BG18420 Module
BG18820 (Sgiliau ar gyfer y Diwydiant Amaethyddol) BG18820 Module
BG19320 (Ecoleg a Chadwraeth) BG19320 Module
BG19920 (Amrywiaeth Microbau a Phlanhigion) BG19920 Module
BG20420 (Systemau Cynhyrchu Anifeiliaid) BG20420 Module
BG20720 (Maeth Anifeiliaid Fferm, Ceffylau ac Anifeiliaid Anwes) BG20720 Module
BG21420 (Arolygu Ecolegol) BG21420 Module
BG21720 (Pynciau llosg yn y Biowyddorau) BG21720 Module
BG21920 (Bwyd, Ffermio a'r Amgylchedd) BG21920 Module
BG24720 (Sgiliau Ymarferol a Proffesiynol ym Microbioleg) BG24720 Module
BG25620 (Dulliau Ymchwil) BG25620 Module
BG26020 (Monitro a Microbioleg Amgylcheddol) BG26020 Module
BG27520 (Dulliau Ymchwil) BG27520 Module
BG27620 (Agronomeg a Gwelliant Cnydau) BG27620 Module
BG28020 (Cynhyrchu a Rheoli Da Byw) BG28020 Module
BG29020 (Bwyd, Ffermio, Technoleg a'r Amgylchedd) BG29020 Module
BG30820 (Gwyddor Cynhyrchu Da Byw) BG30820 Module
BG36320 (Adolygiad critigol) BG36320 Module
BG36440 (Traethawd Estynedig) BG36440 Module
BG36620 (Cwrs Maes Ecoleg Ddaearol) BG36620 Module
BG39920 (Datblygiadau mewn Amaethyddiaeth) BG39920 Module
BR01220 (Practical Skills for Biologists) BR01220 Module
BR01340 (Molecules and Cells) BR01340 Module
BR01440 (Organisms and the Environment) BR01440 Module
BR01520 (Communication Skills) BR01520 Module
BR01620 (Practical Skills for the Sport and Exercise Scientist) BR01620 Module
BR10110 (Introduction to Conservation) BR10110 Module
BR10210 (Agricultural Technology) BR10210 Module
BR10420 (Business, Economics and Land Use) BR10420 Module
BR10620 (Climate and Climate Change) BR10620 Module
BR10720 (Crop and Grassland Management) BR10720 Module
BR10810 (The Development and Management of British Habitats) BR10810 Module
BR10910 (Equine Anatomy and Physiology) BR10910 Module
BR11010 (Equine Exercise Physiology) BR11010 Module
BR11110 (The Agricultural Industry - Scheme Specific Skills) BR11110 Module
BR11410 (Introduction to Animal Production Systems) BR11410 Module
BR12010 (Metabolism) BR12010 Module
BR12110 (Microbial Diversity) BR12110 Module
BR12410 (Study and Communication Skills) BR12410 Module
BR12510 (Biological Thought and Discovery) BR12510 Module
BR13210 (The Biosphere) BR13210 Module
BR13320 (Applied Animal Biology) BR13320 Module
BR13510 (Ecology) BR13510 Module
BR13610 (The Green Planet) BR13610 Module
BR13720 (Molecular Biochemistry) BR13720 Module
BR14110 (Comparative Animal Physiology) BR14110 Module
BR14210 (Equine Study Tour) BR14210 Module
BR14310 (Evolution and the Diversity of Life) BR14310 Module
BR14410 (Exploring Genetics) BR14410 Module
BR14910 (Soils and their Management) BR14910 Module
BR15320 (Biochemistry and the Cellular Basis of Life) BR15320 Module
BR15420 (Disease Diagnosis and Control) BR15420 Module
BR15520 (Equine Industry and Study Tour) BR15520 Module
BR15720 (Skills for Wildlife Scientists) BR15720 Module
BR16020 (Research designs to assess and monitor clients) BR16020 Module
BR16120 (Psychology of physical activity and health.) BR16120 Module
BR16210 (Fundamentals of Human Nutrition) BR16210 Module
BR16320 (Human Physiological Systems) BR16320 Module
BR16420 (Human Anatomy and Kinesiology) BR16420 Module
BR16510 (Introduction to Palaeobiology) BR16510 Module
BR16620 (Climate and Climate Change) BR16620 Module
BR16720 (Comparative Animal Physiology) BR16720 Module
BR16820 (Skills for Biologists) BR16820 Module
BR16920 (Domestic Animal Anatomy and Physiology) BR16920 Module
BR17020 (Introduction to Livestock Production and Science) BR17020 Module
BR17120 (Genetics, Evolution and Diversity) BR17120 Module
BR17220 (Skills for Animal, Equine and Veterinary Bioscientists in Equine Exercise Physiology) BR17220 Module
BR17320 (Biological chemistry) BR17320 Module
BR17420 (Skills in Nutrition, and Science Communication) BR17420 Module
BR17520 (Cell Biology) BR17520 Module
BR18040 (Crop, grassland, soil and agricultural land management) BR18040 Module
BR18420 (Agricultural Technology and Farm Safety) BR18420 Module
BR18820 (Skills for the Agricultural Industry) BR18820 Module
BR19320 (Ecology and Conservation) BR19320 Module
BR19920 (Microbial and Plant Diversity) BR19920 Module
BR20020 (The Development and Management of British Habitats) BR20020 Module
BR20420 (Animal Production Systems) BR20420 Module
BR20620 (Applied Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics) BR20620 Module
BR20720 (Applied Nutrition of Livestock, Horses and Companion Animals) BR20720 Module
BR21020 (Farm Business Management and Appraisal) BR21020 Module
BR21120 (Climate Change: Plants, Animals and Ecosystems) BR21120 Module
BR21220 (Applying evidence based interventions) BR21220 Module
BR21420 (Ecological Surveying) BR21420 Module
BR21520 (Equine and Human Exercise Physiology) BR21520 Module
BR21620 (Animal Behaviour) BR21620 Module
BR21720 (Evolution and Molecular Systematics) BR21720 Module
BR21820 (Chromosome Dynamics) BR21820 Module
BR21920 (Food, Farming and the Environment) BR21920 Module
BR22020 (Freshwater Biology) BR22020 Module
BR22220 (Immunology) BR22220 Module
BR22520 (Sport and Exercise Nutrition) BR22520 Module
BR22620 (Marine Biology) BR22620 Module
BR22920 (Practical Skills for Biochemists) BR22920 Module
BR23520 (Controlled Environment Crop Production and Horticulture) BR23520 Module
BR23820 (Tropical Zoology Field Course) BR23820 Module
BR23920 (Behavioural Ecology) BR23920 Module
BR24020 (Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Conservation) BR24020 Module
BR24720 (Practical and Professional Skills in Microbiology) BR24720 Module
BR25220 (Animal Breeding: Genetics and Reproduction) BR25220 Module
BR25320 (Human, Equine and Canine Exercise Physiology and Locomotion) BR25320 Module
BR25420 (Invertebrate Zoology) BR25420 Module
BR25520 (An Introduction to Landscape Ecology and Geographic Information Systems) BR25520 Module
BR25620 (Research Methods) BR25620 Module
BR25720 (Applied and Integrated Studies) BR25720 Module
BR25820 (Aquatic Botany) BR25820 Module
BR25920 (Cell and Cancer Biology) BR25920 Module
BR26020 (Environmental Microbiology and Monitoring) BR26020 Module
BR26120 (Equine Business) BR26120 Module
BR26320 (Improving Physical Activity and Sport Performance) BR26320 Module
BR26420 (Motor Learning and Performance) BR26420 Module
BR26520 (One Health Microbiology) BR26520 Module
BR26620 (Proteins and Enzymes) BR26620 Module
BR26720 (Sports Injury) BR26720 Module
BR26820 (Vertebrate Zoology) BR26820 Module
BR27020 (Physical Activity for Health) BR27020 Module
BR27120 (Veterinary Health) BR27120 Module
BR27220 (Wildlife Management) BR27220 Module
BR27320 (Researching Behavioural Ecology) BR27320 Module
BR27420 (Sport & Exercise Physiology) BR27420 Module
BR27520 (Research Methods) BR27520 Module
BR27620 (Agronomy and Crop Improvement) BR27620 Module
BR28020 (Livestock Production and Management) BR28020 Module
BR28120 (Climate Change: Plants, Animals and Ecosystems) BR28120 Module
BR28520 (Research Methods) BR28520 Module
BR29020 (Food, Farming, Technology and the Environment) BR29020 Module
BR29910 (UK agriculture through the lens of Wales) BR29910 Module
BR30020 (Marine Biology Field Course) BR30020 Module
BR30120 (Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Conservation (Trec) Field Course) BR30120 Module
BR30220 (Advanced Animal Behaviour) BR30220 Module
BR30420 (Sustainable Land Management) BR30420 Module
BR30820 (Livestock Production Science) BR30820 Module
BR30920 (Applied Sports Nutrition) BR30920 Module
BR31620 (Farm Planning and Advanced Farm Management) BR31620 Module
BR32020 (Injury and Rehabilitation) BR32020 Module
BR32520 (Equine Stud Management) BR32520 Module
BR33220 (Fish Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture) BR33220 Module
BR33420 (Global Biodiversity Conservation) BR33420 Module
BR33720 (Microbial Pathogenesis) BR33720 Module
BR33820 (Parasitology) BR33820 Module
BR33920 (Population and Community Ecology) BR33920 Module
BR34120 (Veterinary Infectious Diseases) BR34120 Module
BR34420 (Training and Performance Enhancement) BR34420 Module
BR34520 (Wildlife Conservation) BR34520 Module
BR34720 (Marketing and Small Business Management) BR34720 Module
BR34920 (Animal Behaviour Field Course) BR34920 Module
BR35020 (Marine and Freshwater Field Course) BR35020 Module
BR35120 (Behaviour and Welfare of Domesticated Animals) BR35120 Module
BR35220 (Equine and Human Exercise Physiology) BR35220 Module
BR35320 (Behavioural Neurobiology) BR35320 Module
BR35520 (Biotechnology) BR35520 Module
BR35620 (Environmental Regulation and Consultancy) BR35620 Module
BR35720 (Equine Nutrition and Pasture Management) BR35720 Module
BR35820 (Frontiers in Plant Science) BR35820 Module
BR36020 (Molecular Biology of Development) BR36020 Module
BR36120 (Molecular Pharmacology) BR36120 Module
BR36220 (Population Genetics and Evolution) BR36220 Module
BR36320 (Critical Review) BR36320 Module
BR36440 (Research Project) BR36440 Module
BR36620 (Terrestrial Ecology Fieldcourse) BR36620 Module
BR36720 (Anthropogenic threats to the Biosphere) BR36720 Module
BR36820 (Veterinary Pharmacology and Disease Control) BR36820 Module
BR36920 (Exercise Management in Health and Chronic Disease) BR36920 Module
BR37020 (Applied Sport & Exercise Psychology) BR37020 Module
BR37120 (Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics) BR37120 Module
BR37220 (Advances in Crop and Grassland Production) BR37220 Module
BR37320 (Solving societal issues using applied and integrated approaches) BR37320 Module
BR37420 (Technological advances in sport, exercise and health) BR37420 Module
BR37620 (Consultancy work) BR37620 Module
BR37720 (Freshwater Biology Field Course) BR37720 Module
BR38320 (Human, Equine and Canine Exercise Physiology and Locomotion) BR38320 Module
BR39920 (Advances in Agriculture) BR39920 Module
BRM0020 (Fundamentals of Biodiversity) BRM0020 Module
BRM0120 (Ecological Monitoring) BRM0120 Module
BRM0320 (Livestock Nutrition) BRM0320 Module
BRM0520 (Biotechnology for Business) BRM0520 Module
BRM0620 (Crop Biotechnology) BRM0620 Module
BRM0720 (Current Topics in Biotechnology) BRM0720 Module
BRM0840 (Environmental Management in Practice) BRM0840 Module
BRM0920 (Hot Topics in Parasite Control) BRM0920 Module
BRM1620 (Infection and Immunity) BRM1620 Module
BRM2860 (MBiol Research Project) BRM2860 Module
BRM3560 (Dissertation) BRM3560 Module
BRM3720 (Microbial Biotechnology) BRM3720 Module
BRM4820 (Field and Laboratory Techniques) BRM4820 Module
BRM4920 (Frontiers in the Biosciences) BRM4920 Module
BRM5120 (Grassland Science) BRM5120 Module
BRM5220 (Equine Reproductive Physiology and Breeding Technology) BRM5220 Module
BRM5320 (Equine Nutrition) BRM5320 Module
BRM5420 (Livestock Production Science) BRM5420 Module
BRM5820 (Animal Breeding and Genetics) BRM5820 Module
BRM6060 (MRes Dissertation (A)) BRM6060 Module
BRM6160 (MRes Dissertation (B)) BRM6160 Module
BRM6220 (Understanding Equine Action: from Anatomy to Behaviour) BRM6220 Module
BRM6420 (Research Methods in the Biosciences) BRM6420 Module
BRM6520 (Introduction to Environmental Law and Environmental Impact Assessment) BRM6520 Module
BRM7220 (Environmental Auditing and Management skills) BRM7220 Module
BRM7720 (Ecological Management and Conservation Biology) BRM7720 Module
BRS0060 (Integrated Year in Industry) BRS0060 Module
BRS0160 (Integrated Year in Industry) BRS0160 Module
BWM3005 (Entrepreneriaeth Wledig 1) BWM3005 Module
BWM3105 (Entrepreneuriaeth Wledig 2) BWM3105 Module
BWM3205 (Entrepreneuriaeth Wledig 3) BWM3205 Module
BWM3305 (Entrepreneuriaeth Wledig 4) BWM3305 Module
NU10020 (Introduction to Nursing Practice) NU10020 Module
NU10120 (Introduction to Professional Practice) NU10120 Module
NU10220 (Developing Professional Practice) NU10220 Module
NU10320 (Understanding the Human Body) NU10320 Module
NU10460 (Demonstrating Professional Practice (Part B)) NU10460 Module
NU10520 (Developing Nursing Practice) NU10520 Module
NU10620 (Demonstrating Nursing Practice (Part B)) NU10620 Module
NU10720 (Developing knowledge of the human body) NU10720 Module
NU10840 (Enhancing Nursing Practice) NU10840 Module
NU10960 (Demonstrating Nursing Practice (Part B)) NU10960 Module
NU11020 (Introduction to Nursing Practice) NU11020 Module
NU20120 (Introduction to Field Specific Nursing - Adult) NU20120 Module
NU20220 (Introduction to Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)) NU20220 Module
NU20320 (Complex Field Specific Nursing (Adult)) NU20320 Module
NU20420 (Complex Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)) NU20420 Module
NU20520 (Pathophysiology of common conditions (Adult)) NU20520 Module
NU20620 (Pathophysiology of common conditions Mental Health) NU20620 Module
NU20760 (Enhancing Professional Practice (Part B)) NU20760 Module
NU30020 (Return to Practice (theory)) NU30020 Module
NU30140 (Return to Practice (practice)) NU30140 Module
NU33860 (Leading Professional Practice (Part B3)) NU33860 Module
NY10460 (Arddangos Ymarfer Proffesiynol (Rhan B)) NY10460 Module
NY10620 (Arddangos Ymarfer Nyrsio (Rhan B)) NY10620 Module
NY10840 (Gwella Ymarfer Nyrsio) NY10840 Module
NY10960 (Arddangos Ymarfer Nyrsio (Rhan B)) NY10960 Module
NY20760 (Datblygu Ymarfer Proffesiynol (Rhan B)) NY20760 Module
PGM2410 (Research Seminar Skills in the Life Sciences) PGM2410 Module
PGM2810 (Skills in Bioinformatics for Biologists) PGM2810 Module
PGM2910 (Research Writing Programme) PGM2910 Module
RD10510 (The Agricultural Industry - Scheme Specific Skills) RD10510 Module
RD10640 (Horsemastership) RD10640 Module
RD10810 (Introduction to Animal Production Systems) RD10810 Module
RD11110 (Agricultural Technology) RD11110 Module
RD11210 (Animal Science) RD11210 Module
RD11320 (Breeding and Stud Management) RD11320 Module
RD11420 (Business, Economics and Land Use) RD11420 Module
RD11520 (Crop and Grassland Management) RD11520 Module
RD11610 (The Development and Management of British Habitats) RD11610 Module
RD11720 (Equine Business) RD11720 Module
RD12220 (Soil and Plant Science) RD12220 Module
RD12610 (Study and Communication Skills) RD12610 Module
RD16710 (Equine Anatomy) RD16710 Module
RD16910 (Equine Performance Science) RD16910 Module
RD17020 (Introduction to Livestock Production and Science) RD17020 Module
RD18040 (Crop, grassland, soil and agricultural land management) RD18040 Module
RD18420 (Agricultural Technology and Farm Safety) RD18420 Module
RD18820 (Skills for the Agricultural Industry) RD18820 Module
RD20120 (Equine Grassland and Business Management) RD20120 Module
RD20220 (Equine event management and Advanced horsemastership) RD20220 Module
RD20320 (Equitation) RD20320 Module
RD20420 (Food, Farming and the Environment) RD20420 Module
RD20620 (Science and Technology in Agriculture) RD20620 Module
RD20720 (Science and Technology in Agriculture) RD20720 Module
RD20820 (Visitor Management) RD20820 Module
RD20920 (Applied Livestock Nutrition) RD20920 Module
RD22220 (Agronomy and Crop Improvement) RD22220 Module
RD22420 (Applied Nutrition of Horses) RD22420 Module
RD22520 (Business Budgeting and Appraisal) RD22520 Module
RD23420 (Animal Production Systems) RD23420 Module
RD25620 (Research Methods) RD25620 Module
RD27120 (Veterinary Health) RD27120 Module
RD27220 (Wildlife Management) RD27220 Module
RD27320 (Equine Industry and Study Tour) RD27320 Module
RD27520 (Research Methods) RD27520 Module
RD27620 (Agronomy and Crop Improvement) RD27620 Module
RD28020 (Livestock Production and Management) RD28020 Module
RD29020 (Food, Farming, Technology and the Environment) RD29020 Module
RDW0060 (Sandwich Year) RDW0060 Module
RDW0160 (Sandwich Year) RDW0160 Module
RG10510 (Y Diwydiant Amaethyddol - Sgiliau Cynllun-Benodol) RG10510 Module
RG10810 (Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu Da Byw) RG10810 Module
RG11610 (Datblygu a Rheoli Cynefinoedd ym Mhrydain) RG11610 Module
RG12610 (Sgiliau Astudio a Chyfathrebu (FDSC)) RG12610 Module
RG17020 (Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu a Gwyddor da Byw) RG17020 Module
RG18040 (Rheolaeth Cnydau, Glaswelltir, Priddoedd a Thir Amaethyddol) RG18040 Module
RG18420 (Technoleg Amaethyddol a Diogelwch Fferm) RG18420 Module
RG18820 (Sgiliau ar gyfer y Diwydiant Amaethyddol) RG18820 Module
RG20420 (Bwyd, Ffermio a'r Amgylchedd) RG20420 Module
RG20720 (Gwyddor a Thechnoleg mewn Amaethyddiaeth) RG20720 Module
RG20920 (Maeth Cymhwysol Da Byw) RG20920 Module
RG23420 (Systemau Cynhyrchu Da Byw) RG23420 Module
RG25620 (Dulliau Ymchwil) RG25620 Module
RG27520 (Dulliau Ymchwil) RG27520 Module
RG27620 (Agronomeg a Gwelliant Cnydau) RG27620 Module
RG28020 (Cynhyrchu a Rheoli Da Byw) RG28020 Module
RG29020 (Bwyd, Ffermio, Technoleg a'r Amgylchedd) RG29020 Module
SS32620 (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) SS32620 Module
VE10120 (Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine) VE10120 Module
VE10220 (Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Locomotor systems (year 1)) VE10220 Module
VE10320 (Principles of Science) VE10320 Module
VE10430 (Animal Husbandry) VE10430 Module
VE10520 (Alimentary, endocrine and urogenital systems (year 1)) VE10520 Module
VE10610 (Neurology, ophthalmology and special senses) VE10610 Module
VE11350 (Form and Function (Year 1)) VE11350 Module
VE11460 (Veterinary Science (Year 1)) VE11460 Module
VE11560 (Veterinary Science (Year 1)) VE11560 Module
VE20020 (Applied Veterinary Nursing) VE20020 Module
VE20120 (Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine (year 2)) VE20120 Module
VE20220 (Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Locomotor Systems (year 2)) VE20220 Module
VE20340 (Principles of Science (year 2)) VE20340 Module
VE20430 (Alimentary, endocrine and urogenital systems (year 2)) VE20430 Module
VE20510 (Population Medicine & Veterinary Public Health) VE20510 Module
VE20620 (Medical Nursing and Critical Care) VE20620 Module
VE20720 (Nursing of Exotics) VE20720 Module
VE20820 (Nursing of Large Animals) VE20820 Module
VE20920 (OneHealth for Veterinary Nurses) VE20920 Module
VE21020 (Principles of Pharmacology and Anaesthesia) VE21020 Module
VE21120 (Surgical nursing) VE21120 Module
VE21220 (Industry Placement) VE21220 Module
VE21520 (Population Medicine & Veterinary Public Health) VE21520 Module
VE22340 (Form and Function (Year 2)) VE22340 Module
VN10020 (Anatomy and Physiology) VN10020 Module
VN10700 (Animal Health and Management) VN10700 Module
VN10720 (Animal Health and Management) VN10720 Module
VN10800 (Preparing for Placement) VN10800 Module
VN10820 (Preparing for Placement) VN10820 Module
VN10900 (Principles of Diagnostic Techniques) VN10900 Module
VN10920 (Principles of Diagnostic Techniques) VN10920 Module
VN11000 (Principles of Veterinary Nursing) VN11000 Module
VN11020 (Principles of Veterinary Nursing) VN11020 Module
VN11100 (Professional Practice) VN11100 Module
VN11120 (Professional Practice) VN11120 Module
VN20020 (Applied Veterinary Nursing) VN20020 Module
VN20620 (Medical Nursing and Critical Care) VN20620 Module
VN20720 (Nursing of Exotics) VN20720 Module
VN20820 (Nursing of Large Animals) VN20820 Module
VN20920 (OneHealth for Veterinary Nurses) VN20920 Module
VN21020 (Principles of Pharmacology and Anaesthesia) VN21020 Module
VN21120 (Surgical nursing) VN21120 Module
VN21220 (Industry Placement) VN21220 Module
VS10120 (Astudiaethau Proffesiynol a Meddygaeth ar Sail Tystiolaeth) VS10120 Module
VS10220 (Systemau Gardiofasgwlar, Resbiradol, Ymsymudol a Chroen (blwyddyn 1)) VS10220 Module
VS10430 (Hwsmonaeth Anifeiliaid) VS10430 Module
VS10520 (Systemau ymborthol, endocrinaidd a throethgenhedlol (blwyddyn 1)) VS10520 Module
VS11350 (Ffurf a Gweithrediad (Blwyddyn 1)) VS11350 Module
VS11460 (Gwyddor Filfeddygol (Blwyddyn 1)) VS11460 Module
VS11560 (Gwyddor Filfeddygol (Blwyddyn 1)) VS11560 Module
VS20120 (Astudiaethau Proffesiynol a Meddygaeth ar Sail Tystiolaeth (blwyddyn 2)) VS20120 Module
VS20220 (Y Systemau Cardiofasgwlaidd, Anadlol, Ymsymudiad a Chroen (blwyddyn 2)) VS20220 Module
VS20340 (Egwyddorion Gwyddoniaeth (blwyddyn 2)) VS20340 Module
VS20430 (Systemau Ymborth, Endocrin a Throethgenhedlol (blwyddyn 2)) VS20430 Module
VS22340 (Ffurf a Gweithrediad (Blwyddyn 2)) VS22340 Module

Lists linked to [ADI] Adran y Gwyddorau Bywyd / Department of Life Sciences

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