Gwleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol / International Politics

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EN19920 (Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change) EN19920 Module
GQ20920 (Y Meddwl Cymreig mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol) GQ20920 Module
GQ23720 (Gwleidyddiaeth mewn Cymdeithasau Amrywiaethol) GQ23720 Module
GQ23820 (Gwleidyddiaeth y Deyrnas Unedig Heddiw: Undeb Dan Straen?) GQ23820 Module
GQ23920 (Pobl a Grym: Deall Gwleidyddiaeth Gymharol Heddiw) GQ23920 Module
GQ30920 (Y Meddwl Cymreig Mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol) GQ30920 Module
GQ33720 (Gwleidyddiaeth mewn Cymdeithasau Amrywiaethol) GQ33720 Module
GQ33820 (Gwleidyddiaeth y Deyrnas Unedig Heddiw: Undeb Dan Straen?) GQ33820 Module
GW12420 (Cyflwyniad i Wleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol 1: Cysyniadau Canolog a Sgiliau Craidd) GW12420 Module
GW12520 (Globaleiddio a Datblygiad Byd-eang) GW12520 Module
GW12620 (Y Tu ol i'r Penawdau) GW12620 Module
GW12920 (Gwleidyddiaeth yn yr Unfed Ganrif ar Hugain) GW12920 Module
GW20120 (Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol: Safbwyntiau a Thrafodaethau) GW20120 Module
GW25020 (Datganoli a Chymru) GW25020 Module
GW25820 (Cyfiawnder Byd-Eang: Dehongli a Gwireddu ein Dyletswyddau i'r Dieithryn Pell) GW25820 Module
GW29920 (Cenedlaetholdeb mewn Theori a Realiti) GW29920 Module
GW30040 (Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig) GW30040 Module
GW35020 (Datganoli a Chymru) GW35020 Module
GW35820 (Cyfiawnder Byd-Eang: Dehongli a Gwireddu ein Dyletswyddau i'r Dieithryn Pell) GW35820 Module
GW39920 (Cenedlaetholdeb Mewn Theori a Realiti) GW39920 Module
GWM0060 (Traethawd Hir) GWM0060 Module
IP10320 (War, Strategy and Intelligence) IP10320 Module
IP12420 (Exploring the International 1: Central Concepts and Core Skills) IP12420 Module
IP12520 (Globalization and Global Development) IP12520 Module
IP12620 (Behind the Headlines) IP12620 Module
IP12820 (The Making of the Modern World: War Peace and Revolution since 1789) IP12820 Module
IP12920 (Politics in the 21st Century) IP12920 Module
IP20120 (International Relations: Perspectives and Debates) IP20120 Module
IP20420 (International Politics and the Nuclear Age) IP20420 Module
IP20520 (Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa: Key Issues Today) IP20520 Module
IP20720 (Climate Change and International Politics in the Anthropocene) IP20720 Module
IP20820 (Militaries and Crisis: Where Strategy Meets Society) IP20820 Module
IP21320 (The Arab-Israeli Wars) IP21320 Module
IP21420 (Climate Change Politics) IP21420 Module
IP21620 (Women and Military Service) IP21620 Module
IP21820 (Russian Security in the 21st Century) IP21820 Module
IP22220 (Political Theory) IP22220 Module
IP22320 (The Governance of Climate Change: Simulation Module) IP22320 Module
IP22720 (The Long Shadow of the Second World War) IP22720 Module
IP23020 (Science, Technology, and International Relations) IP23020 Module
IP23320 (NATO: From Cold War to Hybrid War) IP23320 Module
IP23620 (European Security in 21st Century) IP23620 Module
IP23720 (The Making of National Security Policy) IP23720 Module
IP23820 (The European Union: Politics, Policies, Problems) IP23820 Module
IP24520 (Terrorism & Counter Terrorism in the Modern World: Policing, Intelligence & War) IP24520 Module
IP25020 (Devolution and Wales) IP25020 Module
IP25320 (Warfare after Waterloo: Military History 1815-1918) IP25320 Module
IP26020 (The Past and Present US Intelligence) IP26020 Module
IP26420 (The Second World War in Europe) IP26420 Module
IP26720 (Gender, Conflict and Security) IP26720 Module
IP26820 (Questions of International Politics) IP26820 Module
IP26920 (America at War: A Military History of the United States) IP26920 Module
IP27020 (Climate Change and International Politics in the Anthropocene) IP27020 Module
IP28320 (A War on the Mind: Propaganda and Secret Intelligence from the Great War to the 21st Century) IP28320 Module
IP28720 (Contemporary Latin America) IP28720 Module
IP28820 (Britain and Ireland in War and Peace since 1800) IP28820 Module
IP29220 (International Politics and Global Development) IP29220 Module
IP29620 (Women and Global Development) IP29620 Module
IP29820 (China From the Opium War to the Present) IP29820 Module
IP29920 (Nationalism in Theory and Practice) IP29920 Module
IP30040 (Dissertation) IP30040 Module
IP30420 (International Politics and the Nuclear Age) IP30420 Module
IP30520 (Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa) IP30520 Module
IP30720 (Climate Change and International Politics in the Anthropocene) IP30720 Module
IP30820 (Militaries and Crisis: Where Strategy Meets Society) IP30820 Module
IP31320 (The Arab Israeli Wars) IP31320 Module
IP31420 (Climate Change Politics) IP31420 Module
IP31620 (Women and Military Service) IP31620 Module
IP31820 (Russian Security in the 21st Century) IP31820 Module
IP32220 (Political Theory) IP32220 Module
IP32720 (The Long Shadow of the Second World War) IP32720 Module
IP33020 (Science, Technology, and International Relations) IP33020 Module
IP33320 (NATO: From Cold War to Hybrid War) IP33320 Module
IP33620 (European Security in the 21st Century) IP33620 Module
IP33720 (The Making of National Security Policy) IP33720 Module
IP33820 (The European Union: Politics, Policies, Problems) IP33820 Module
IP34520 (Terrorism & Counter Terrorism in the Modern World: Policing, Intelligence & War) IP34520 Module
IP35020 (Devolution and Wales) IP35020 Module
IP36020 (The Past and Present of US Intelligence) IP36020 Module
IP36420 (The Second World War in Europe) IP36420 Module
IP36720 (Gender, Conflict and Security) IP36720 Module
IP36820 (Questions of International Politics) IP36820 Module
IP36920 (America At War: a Military History of the United States) IP36920 Module
IP38320 (A War on the Mind: Propaganda and Secret Intelligence from the Great War to the 21st Century) IP38320 Module
IP38720 (Contemporary Latin America) IP38720 Module
IP38820 (Britain and Ireland in War and Peace since 1800) IP38820 Module
IP39620 (Women and Global Development) IP39620 Module
IP39820 (China From the Opium War to the Present) IP39820 Module
IP39920 (Nationalism in Theory and Practice) IP39920 Module
IPM0060 (Dissertation) IPM0060 Module
IPM0220 (The EU in Crisis? Integration and Fragmentation) IPM0220 Module
IPM0420 (Intelligence, Security and International Relations in the 20th Century) IPM0420 Module
IPM0620 (Indigenous Politics) IPM0620 Module
IPM0720 (Thoughts of War: Strategic Theory and Thinkers) IPM0720 Module
IPM1120 (Critical Security Studies: Contemporary Theories) IPM1120 Module
IPM1220 (Critical Security Studies: Emerging Issues) IPM1220 Module
IPM1520 (War and Peace in the Middle East) IPM1520 Module
IPM1720 (Futures for International Relations Theory) IPM1720 Module
IPM1920 (International Politics) IPM1920 Module
IPM2120 (Research in Politics and International Studies) IPM2120 Module
IPM2220 (Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics) IPM2220 Module
IPM2360 (Research Paper) IPM2360 Module
IPM2620 (Gender and Transformative Approaches to Peace) IPM2620 Module
IPM2820 (Agreement-Making in International Politics) IPM2820 Module
IPM3020 (Logistics in War) IPM3020 Module
IPM3720 (Knowledge and Expertise in International Politics) IPM3720 Module
IPM4120 (Post-Western International Relations) IPM4120 Module
IPM4620 (Global Politics of Middle Powers) IPM4620 Module
IPM6020 (Russia at War since 1812) IPM6020 Module
IPM6820 (Security Policy in the European Union) IPM6820 Module
IPM7320 (Feminist Approaches to Security) IPM7320 Module
IPM8220 (Warfare in the 21st Century) IPM8220 Module
IPM8820 (British Counterinsurgency Warfare in the Twentieth Century) IPM8820 Module
IPS1160 (Work Placement) IPS1160 Module
IPS1260 (Work Placement) IPS1260 Module
IQ20020 (Race in Global Politics) IQ20020 Module
IQ20220 (Intervention and Humanitarianism) IQ20220 Module
IQ20320 (The BRICS in World Politics) IQ20320 Module
IQ20920 (The British Army's Image in Battle, from the Crimean to the Present) IQ20920 Module
IQ21620 (Trade Wars and the Liberal Order) IQ21620 Module
IQ21720 (Justice, Order, Human Rights) IQ21720 Module
IQ22620 (Britain and World Politics from Global Empire to Brexit: The Diplomacy of Decline) IQ22620 Module
IQ22820 (Capitalism and International Politics) IQ22820 Module
IQ23420 (Total War, Total Peace) IQ23420 Module
IQ23720 (Politics in Diverse Societies) IQ23720 Module
IQ23820 (UK Politics Today: A Union Under Strain?) IQ23820 Module
IQ23920 (People and Power: Understanding Comparative Politics Today) IQ23920 Module
IQ24120 (Global Inequality and World Politics) IQ24120 Module
IQ24320 (Economic Diplomacy and Leadership) IQ24320 Module
IQ24420 (Knowing about Violent Conflict in International Politics) IQ24420 Module
IQ24920 (Russian intelligence from Lenin to Putin) IQ24920 Module
IQ25010 (Identity and Nationhood in Wales) IQ25010 Module
IQ25120 (Strategy, Intelligence and Security in International Politics) IQ25120 Module
IQ25220 (The Century of the Superpowers and the Global Cold War) IQ25220 Module
IQ25520 (Global Politics and the Refugee Regime) IQ25520 Module
IQ25620 (Refugee Simulation) IQ25620 Module
IQ25720 (War Crimes) IQ25720 Module
IQ25920 (A Century of Conflict: Global warfare 1918-2018) IQ25920 Module
IQ26020 (The Politics and Paradoxes of International Organisations) IQ26020 Module
IQ27120 (Middle Powers in the Global Political Economy) IQ27120 Module
IQ30020 (Race in Global Politics) IQ30020 Module
IQ30220 (Intervention and Humanitarianism) IQ30220 Module
IQ30320 (The BRICS in World Politics) IQ30320 Module
IQ30920 (The British Army's Image in Battle, from the Crimean to the Present) IQ30920 Module
IQ31620 (Trade Wars and the Liberal Order) IQ31620 Module
IQ31720 (Justice, Order, Human Rights) IQ31720 Module
IQ32020 (Global Health and International Politics) IQ32020 Module
IQ32620 (Britain and World Politics from Global Empire to Brexit: The Diplomacy of Decline) IQ32620 Module
IQ32820 (Capitalism and International Politics) IQ32820 Module
IQ33420 (Total War, Total Peace) IQ33420 Module
IQ33720 (Politics in Diverse Societies) IQ33720 Module
IQ33820 (UK Politics Today: A Union Under Strain?) IQ33820 Module
IQ34120 (Global Inequality and World Politics) IQ34120 Module
IQ34320 (Economic Diplomacy and Leadership) IQ34320 Module
IQ34420 (Knowing about Violent Conflict in International Politics) IQ34420 Module
IQ34920 (Russian intelligence from Lenin to Putin) IQ34920 Module
IQ35220 (The Century of the Superpowers and the Global Cold War) IQ35220 Module
IQ35520 (Global Politics and the Refugee Regime) IQ35520 Module
IQ35620 (Refugee Simulation) IQ35620 Module
IQ35720 (War Crimes) IQ35720 Module
IQ35920 (A Century of Conflict: Global warfare 1918-2018) IQ35920 Module
IQ36020 (The Politics and Paradoxes of International Organisations) IQ36020 Module
IQ37120 (Middle Powers in the Global Political Economy) IQ37120 Module
PGM0210 (Principles of Research Design) PGM0210 Module
PGM0410 (Ways of Reading) PGM0410 Module
PGM1610 (Public Engagement and Impact) PGM1610 Module
PGM4210 (Principles of Research Design) PGM4210 Module

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