Adran y Gyfraith a Throseddeg / Department of Law & Criminology

Browse Department

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CRM1020 (Criminological Theory and Perspectives) CRM1020 Module
CRM1120 (Critical Youth Justice) CRM1120 Module
CRM1220 (International Comparative Youth Justice) CRM1220 Module
CRM1320 (Miscarriages of Justice) CRM1320 Module
CRM1420 (Understanding and Investigating Serious Crime) CRM1420 Module
CRM1520 (International Perspectives of Green Criminology) CRM1520 Module
CRM1810 (Designing Criminological Research) CRM1810 Module
CRM2020 (International Criminology and Criminal Justice) CRM2020 Module
CRM9920 (Heritage, Arts and Antiques Crime Around the World) CRM9920 Module
CT10120 (System Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol) CT10120 Module
CT10320 (Rheoli ac Atal Troseddu) CT10320 Module
CT10420 (Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol) CT10420 Module
CT10520 (Cyfraith Droseddol) CT10520 Module
CT11120 (Cyfraith Camwedd) CT11120 Module
CT12220 (Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg) CT12220 Module
CT13120 (Sgiliau Hanfodol ar Gyfer Troseddegwyr) CT13120 Module
CT13220 (Y Gyfraith ar Waith) CT13220 Module
CT13820 (Cyfraith Cytundebau) CT13820 Module
CT14120 (Troseddeg ar Waith) CT14120 Module
CT20120 (Systemau Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol) CT20120 Module
CT20220 (Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes) CT20220 Module
CT20320 (Dioddefoleg) CT20320 Module
CT20420 (Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol) CT20420 Module
CT20520 (Cyfraith Troseddol) CT20520 Module
CT20620 (Cyfraith Gyhoeddus) CT20620 Module
CT20720 (Cyfraith Ewrop) CT20720 Module
CT20820 (Cyfraith a Pholisi Cymru) CT20820 Module
CT21020 (Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas) CT21020 Module
CT21120 (Cyfraith Camwedd) CT21120 Module
CT21920 (Seiberdroseddu a Seiberddiogelwch) CT21920 Module
CT22220 (Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg) CT22220 Module
CT22520 (Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol) CT22520 Module
CT23020 (Trosedd a Chosb o Safbwynt Hanesyddol) CT23020 Module
CT23220 (Y Gyfraith ar Waith) CT23220 Module
CT23820 (Cyfraith Cytundebau) CT23820 Module
CT24820 (Cyfraith Tir) CT24820 Module
CT24920 (Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau) CT24920 Module
CT25720 (Sgiliau Ymchwil Meintiol) CT25720 Module
CT26120 (Troseddau & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid) CT26120 Module
CT30140 (Traethawd Estynedig Empeiraidd Troseddeg) CT30140 Module
CT30220 (Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes) CT30220 Module
CT30320 (Dioddefoleg) CT30320 Module
CT30520 (Cyfraith Troseddol) CT30520 Module
CT30620 (Cyfraith Gyhoeddus) CT30620 Module
CT30720 (Cyfraith Ewrop) CT30720 Module
CT30820 (Cyfraith a Pholisi Cymru) CT30820 Module
CT31020 (Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas) CT31020 Module
CT31920 (Seiberdroseddu a Seiberddiogelwch) CT31920 Module
CT32220 (Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg) CT32220 Module
CT32520 (Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol) CT32520 Module
CT33020 (Trosedd a Chosb o Safbwynt Hanesyddol) CT33020 Module
CT34820 (Cyfraith Tir) CT34820 Module
CT34920 (Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau) CT34920 Module
CT35720 (Sgiliau Ymchwil Meintiol) CT35720 Module
CT36120 (Trosedd & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid) CT36120 Module
CT36620 (Sgiliau Cyflogadwyedd ar gyfer Gweithwyr Proffesiynol) CT36620 Module
CT37120 (Troseddeg Feirniadol a Radical) CT37120 Module
CT39020 (Traethawd Estynedig y Gyfraith a Throseddeg) CT39020 Module
LAM0120 (Legal Studies) LAM0120 Module
LAM0420 (Aspects of Commercial Contracting) LAM0420 Module
LAM0620 (International Criminal Law) LAM0620 Module
LAM0720 (International Commercial Law) LAM0720 Module
LAM0820 (International Environmental Law) LAM0820 Module
LAM1220 (International Trade Law) LAM1220 Module
LAM1620 (International Human Rights Law) LAM1620 Module
LAM2220 (Negotiated Study Module) LAM2220 Module
LAM2420 (Law and Gender) LAM2420 Module
LAM4220 (International Humanitarian Law) LAM4220 Module
LAM4420 (Migration and Asylum Law) LAM4420 Module
LAM4520 (Philosophy of Human Rights Protection) LAM4520 Module
LAM6260 (Dissertation) LAM6260 Module
LAM8010 (Migration and Asylum Law) LAM8010 Module
LC10120 (Legal and Criminal Justice Systems) LC10120 Module
LC10320 (Crime Control and Prevention) LC10320 Module
LC10420 (Legal Skills and Research) LC10420 Module
LC10520 (Criminal Law) LC10520 Module
LC11120 (Tort) LC11120 Module
LC12220 (Introduction to Criminology) LC12220 Module
LC13120 (Essential Skills for Criminologists) LC13120 Module
LC13220 (Law in Action) LC13220 Module
LC13620 (Foundations of Psychology) LC13620 Module
LC13820 (Contract Law) LC13820 Module
LC14120 (Criminology in Action) LC14120 Module
LC20120 (Legal and Criminal Justice Systems) LC20120 Module
LC20220 (Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law) LC20220 Module
LC20320 (Community Justice) LC20320 Module
LC20420 (Legal Skills and Research) LC20420 Module
LC20520 (Criminal Law) LC20520 Module
LC20620 (Public Law) LC20620 Module
LC20720 (European Law) LC20720 Module
LC20820 (Victimology) LC20820 Module
LC21020 (Police, Policing and Society) LC21020 Module
LC21120 (Tort) LC21120 Module
LC21220 (Business Law) LC21220 Module
LC21920 (Cybercrime and Cybersecurity) LC21920 Module
LC22020 (Critical Perspectives on Imprisonment) LC22020 Module
LC22220 (Introduction to Criminology) LC22220 Module
LC22320 (Wrongful convictions in criminological context) LC22320 Module
LC22420 (Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law) LC22420 Module
LC22520 (Criminal Justice Placement) LC22520 Module
LC23020 (Crime & Punishment in Historical Perspective) LC23020 Module
LC23220 (Law in Action) LC23220 Module
LC23820 (Contract Law) LC23820 Module
LC24020 (Psychology and Crime) LC24020 Module
LC24220 (Contemporary Issues in Criminology) LC24220 Module
LC24320 (Crime and the Media) LC24320 Module
LC24820 (Land Law) LC24820 Module
LC24920 (Equity and Trusts) LC24920 Module
LC25220 (Human Rights) LC25220 Module
LC25720 (Quantitative Research Skills) LC25720 Module
LC26120 (Youth Crime and Justice) LC26120 Module
LC26220 (Commercial Law) LC26220 Module
LC26420 (Family and Child Law) LC26420 Module
LC26520 (Principles of Evidence) LC26520 Module
LC26720 (Medicine Ethics and the Law) LC26720 Module
LC26820 (Employment Law) LC26820 Module
LC26920 (International Law) LC26920 Module
LC27220 (Company Law) LC27220 Module
LC27620 (Humanitarian Law) LC27620 Module
LC27720 (Climate Change and Environmental Law) LC27720 Module
LC27920 (Sports Law and Society) LC27920 Module
LC28120 (Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour) LC28120 Module
LC28220 (Drugs and Crime) LC28220 Module
LC28620 (Intellectual Property Law) LC28620 Module
LC29120 (Treatment and Rehabilitation of Offenders) LC29120 Module
LC29220 (Psychopathology) LC29220 Module
LC30020 (Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law) LC30020 Module
LC30140 (Empirically Based Criminology Dissertation) LC30140 Module
LC30320 (Community Justice) LC30320 Module
LC30520 (Criminal Law) LC30520 Module
LC30620 (Public Law) LC30620 Module
LC30720 (European Law) LC30720 Module
LC30820 (Victimology) LC30820 Module
LC31020 (Police, Policing and Society) LC31020 Module
LC31220 (Business Law) LC31220 Module
LC31320 (Legal Practice and Public Law) LC31320 Module
LC31420 (Business Law and Practice and Solicitors Accounts) LC31420 Module
LC31520 (Dispute Resolution in Contract and Tort) LC31520 Module
LC31620 (Criminal Law and Practice) LC31620 Module
LC31720 (Wills, Trusts and Estates Law and Practice) LC31720 Module
LC31820 (Property Law and Practice) LC31820 Module
LC31920 (Cybercrime and Cybersecurity) LC31920 Module
LC32020 (Critical Perspectives on Imprisonment) LC32020 Module
LC32220 (Introduction to Criminology) LC32220 Module
LC32320 (Wrongful convictions in criminological context) LC32320 Module
LC32420 (Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law) LC32420 Module
LC32520 (Criminal Justice Placement) LC32520 Module
LC33020 (Crime and Punishment in Historical Perspective) LC33020 Module
LC34020 (Psychology and Crime) LC34020 Module
LC34220 (Contemporary Issues in Criminology) LC34220 Module
LC34320 (Crime and the Media) LC34320 Module
LC34820 (Land Law) LC34820 Module
LC34920 (Equity and Trusts) LC34920 Module
LC35220 (Human Rights) LC35220 Module
LC35720 (Quantitative Research Skills) LC35720 Module
LC36120 (Youth Crime and Justice) LC36120 Module
LC36220 (Commercial Law) LC36220 Module
LC36420 (Family and Child Law) LC36420 Module
LC36520 (Principles of Evidence) LC36520 Module
LC36620 (Employability Skills for Professionals) LC36620 Module
LC36720 (Medicine Ethics and the Law) LC36720 Module
LC36820 (Employment Law) LC36820 Module
LC36920 (International Law) LC36920 Module
LC37120 (Critical and Radical Criminology) LC37120 Module
LC37220 (Company Law) LC37220 Module
LC37620 (Humanitarian Law) LC37620 Module
LC37720 (Climate Change and Environmental Law) LC37720 Module
LC37920 (Sports Law and Society) LC37920 Module
LC38120 (Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour) LC38120 Module
LC38220 (Drugs and Crime) LC38220 Module
LC38620 (Intellectual Property Law) LC38620 Module
LC39020 (Law and Criminology Dissertation) LC39020 Module
LC39120 (Treatment and Rehabilitation of Offenders) LC39120 Module
LC39220 (Psychopathology) LC39220 Module
LDM0120 (Legal Studies) LDM0120 Module
LDM0420 (Aspects of Commercial Contracting) LDM0420 Module
LDM0620 (International Criminal Law) LDM0620 Module
LDM0720 (International Commercial Law) LDM0720 Module
LDM0820 (International Environmental Law) LDM0820 Module
LDM0920 (Nature Conservation & Marine Environmental Law) LDM0920 Module
LDM1220 (International Trade Law) LDM1220 Module
LDM1620 (International Human Rights Law) LDM1620 Module
LDM1920 (Criminology of International Conflict Personnel) LDM1920 Module
LDM2220 (Negotiated Study Module) LDM2220 Module
LDM2420 (Law and Gender) LDM2420 Module
LDM4220 (International Humanitarian Law) LDM4220 Module
LDM4420 (Migration and Asylum Law) LDM4420 Module
LDM4520 (Philosophy and Sociology of Human Rights Protection) LDM4520 Module
LDM6260 (Dissertation) LDM6260 Module
MOR0510 (Dulliau Darllen) MOR0510 Module
PGM0410 (Ways of Reading) PGM0410 Module
PGM2710 (Theoretical Foundations of Research in Law and Criminology) PGM2710 Module
PGM3710 (Designing Criminological Research) PGM3710 Module
PGM4420 (Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)) PGM4420 Module
PGM4510 (Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)) PGM4510 Module
PGM6210 (Philosophy and Contemporary Culture) PGM6210 Module

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