Cyfrifiadureg / Computer Science

Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
CC11010 (Hanfodion Datblygu'r We) CC11010 Module
CC11110 (Diogelwch Gwybodaeth) CC11110 Module
CC12020 (Cyflwyniad i Raglennu) CC12020 Module
CC12320 (Rhaglennu gan ddefnyddio Iaith Gwrthrych-Gyfeiriadol) CC12320 Module
CC18010 (Datbygiad Proffesiynol a Phersonol) CC18010 Module
CC18120 (Sgiliau Astudio ar gyfer Cyfrifiadureg) CC18120 Module
CC21120 (Dylunio Algorithmau a Strwythurau Data) CC21120 Module
CC22120 (Peirianneg Meddalwedd) CC22120 Module
CC24420 (Python Gwyddonol) CC24420 Module
CC24520 (Python Gwyddonol) CC24520 Module
CC27020 (Modelu Data Parhaus) CC27020 Module
CC38220 (Materion Proffesiynol yn y Diwydiant Cyfrifiadura) CC38220 Module
CC39440 (Prosiect Hir) CC39440 Module
CC39620 (Prosiect Byr) CC39620 Module
CHM5720 (Internet Technologies) CHM5720 Module
CHM9360 (MSC Project) CHM9360 Module
CS00710 (License to Use Mathematics) CS00710 Module
CS01010 (Spreadsheets for University Students) CS01010 Module
CS01120 (Information Technology for University Students) CS01120 Module
CS02320 (Foundation Programming) CS02320 Module
CS02420 (Foundation Mini Projects) CS02420 Module
CS10220 (Introduction to Computer Infrastructure) CS10220 Module
CS10410 (The Mathematics Driving License for Computer Science) CS10410 Module
CS10720 (Problems and Solutions) CS10720 Module
CS11010 (Fundamentals of Web Development) CS11010 Module
CS11110 (Information security) CS11110 Module
CS12020 (Introduction to Programming) CS12020 Module
CS12320 (Programming Using an Object-Oriented Language) CS12320 Module
CS12510 (Functional Programming) CS12510 Module
CS12910(Computational thinking) CS12910 Module
CS18010 (Professional and Personal Development) CS18010 Module
CS18120 (Study Skills for Computer Science) CS18120 Module
CS21120 (Algorithm Design and Data Structures) CS21120 Module
CS22120 (Software Engineering) CS22120 Module
CS22220 (Software Engineering for the Web) CS22220 Module
CS22620 (Web Design and the User Experience) CS22620 Module
CS23820 (C and C++) CS23820 Module
CS24320 (Applied Graphics) CS24320 Module
CS24420(Scientific Python) CS24420 Module
CS24520 (Scientific Python) CS24520 Module
CS25320 (Programming for the Web) CS25320 Module
CS25820 (System and Network Services Administration) CS25820 Module
CS26020 (Robotics and Embedded Systems) CS26020 Module
CS26520 (Artificial Intelligence) CS26520 Module
CS27020 (Modelling Persistent Data) CS27020 Module
CS31310 (Agile Methodologies) CS31310 Module
CS31420 (Computational Bioinformatics) CS31420 Module
CS31620 (Mobile Development with Android) CS31620 Module
CS31810 (Computational Bioinformatics) CS31810 Module
CS31920 (Advanced Algorithms) CS31920 Module
CS32420 (Computer Graphics and Games) CS32420 Module
CS33020 (Systems Engineering) CS33020 Module
CS34110 (Computer Vision) CS34110 Module
CS35320 (System and Network Services Administration) CS35320 Module
CS35510 (Applied Web Development) CS35510 Module
CS35710 (Ubiquitous Computing) CS35710 Module
CS36010 (Robotic Applications) CS36010 Module
CS36110 (Fundamentals of Machine Learning) CS36110 Module
CS36220 (Machine Learning) CS36220 Module
CS36510 (Space Robotics) CS36510 Module
CS37420 (E-Commerce: Implementation, Management and Security) CS37420 Module
CS38110 (Open Source Development Issues) CS38110 Module
CS38220 (Professional Issues in the Computing Industry) CS38220 Module
CS39360 (Single Semester Major Project for 3.5+1.5 Scheme Only) CS39360 Module
CS39440 (Major Project) CS39440 Module
CS39620 (Minor Project) CS39620 Module
CS39760 (Major Project for 3.5 + 1.5 Scheme Only) CS39760 Module
CS39930 (Web-Based Major Project) CS39930 Module
CSM0120 (Programming for Scientists) CSM0120 Module
CSM0220 (Programming for Digital Media) CSM0220 Module
CSM0960 (Dissertation) CSM0960 Module
CSM2020 (Agile Software Development Project) CSM2020 Module
CSM3120 (Modelling, Managing and Securing Data) CSM3120 Module
CSM4020 (Applied Graphics) CSM4020 Module
CSM4120 (Extended Realities) CSM4120 Module
CSM5020 (Web Development) CSM5020 Module
CSM6020 (Big Data) CSM6020 Module
CSM6120 (Fundamentals of Intelligent Systems) CSM6120 Module
CSM6420 (Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems) CSM6420 Module
CSM6520 (Computational Intelligence) CSM6520 Module
CSM6720 (Advanced Data Analytics) CSM6720 Module
CSM9060 (Dissertation) CSM9060 Module
CSS0060 (Sandwich Year) CSS0060 Module
CSS0160 (Sandwich Year) CSS0160 Module
CSS0260 (Sandwich Year (PG)) CSS0260 Module
CSS0360 (Sandwich Year (PG)) CSS0360 Module
CSS0460 (Summer Placement (PG)) CSS0460 Module
CX12010 (Microcredentials: Introduction to Programming) CX12010 Module
CX12110 (Micro Credentials: Programming with Microcontrollers) CX12110 Module
CX24010 (Applied 2D Graphics) CX24010 Module
CX24110 (Applied 3D Graphics) CX24110 Module
CX24210 (Theory of Extended Reality Technology) CX24210 Module
CX24310 (Applied Extended Reality Technology) CX24310 Module
MOR9005 (Moeseg, Llenladrata ac Ymarfer Academaidd ar gyfer Myfyrwyr Ymchwil) MOR9005 Module
PGM1610 (Public Engagement and Impact) PGM1610 Module
PGM1910 (Leadership for Researchers) PGM1910 Module
PGM2210 (Research Skills and Personal Development (Arts and Humanities) (2210)) PGM2210 Module
PGM2310 (Research Skills and Personal Development (Science) (2310)) PGM2310 Module
PGM2510 (Grants Development Workshops) PGM2510 Module
PGM2610 (Reading and Writing Development Group) PGM2610 Module
PGM2910 (Research Writing Programme) PGM2910 Module
PGM3310 (Entrepreneurship for Research Students) PGM3310 Module
PGM4005 (Ethics, Plagiarism and Academic Practice for Research Students) PGM4005 Module
PGM4120 (Research Skills and Personal Development (0120)) PGM4120 Module
PGM4310 (Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis) PGM4310 Module
PGM4420 (Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)) PGM4420 Module
PGM4510 (Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)) PGM4510 Module
PGM4610 (Leadership for Researchers) PGM4610 Module
PGM4710 (Research Skills and Personal Development (Arts and Humanities) (2210)) PGM4710 Module
PGM4820 (Orientation in Professional Research) PGM4820 Module
PGM4940 (Work Based Research in Professional Contexts) PGM4940 Module
PGM5060 (Pilot Doctoral Enquiry Project) PGM5060 Module
PGM9005 (Ethics, Plagiarism and Academic Practice for Research Students) PGM9005 Module
SEM1020 (Research Topics in Computing) SEM1020 Module
SEM5640 (Developing Advanced Internet-Based Applications) SEM5640 Module
TFM4820 (Research Concepts and Skills) TFM4820 Module
XC12010 (Microcredentials: Introduction to Programming) XC12010 Module
XC12110 (Micro Credentials: Programming with Microcontrollers) XC12110 Module
XC24010 (Applied 2D Graphics) XC24010 Module
XC24110 (Applied 3D Graphics) XC24110 Module
XC24210 (Theory of Extended Reality Technology) XC24210 Module
XC24310 (Applied Extended Reality Technology) XC24310 Module

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