Daearyddiaeth a Gwyddorau Daear / Geography and Earth Sciences

Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
DA10020 (Byw mewn Byd Peryglus) DA10020 Module
DA10320 (Ymchwilio'r Byd: Casglu a Dadansoddi Data) DA10320 Module
DA10520 (Newid a gwrthdaro: Cynhyrchu gofodau gwledig a threfol) DA10520 Module
DA11220 (Methodoleg Maes Amgylcheddol) DA11220 Module
DA11520 (Sut i Greu Planed) DA11520 Module
DA20510 (Ymchwilio i bobl a lle) DA20510 Module
DA20820 (Astudio Cymru Gyfoes) DA20820 Module
DA22510 (Geomorffoleg Afonol) DA22510 Module
DA23020 (Lleoli Gwleidyddiaeth) DA23020 Module
DA25420 (Dylunio Ymchwil a Sgiliau Gwaith Maes) DA25420 Module
DA31240 (Traethawd Estynedig Cymdeithaseg) DA31240 Module
DA31720 (Rheoli'r Amgylchedd Gymreig) DA31720 Module
DA32220 (Cenedlaetholdeb a chymdeithas) DA32220 Module
DA34040 (Traethawd Estynedig Daearyddiaeth) DA34040 Module
DA34220 (Prosiect Daearyddiaeth Anrhydedd Cyfun/Prif Bwnc) DA34220 Module
DA35140 (Traethawd Estynedig Gwyddor Daear yr Amgylchedd) DA35140 Module
DA35240 (Traethawd Estynedig Gwyddor yr Amgylchedd) DA35240 Module
DAS0260 (Lleoliad Gwaith) DAS0260 Module
DAS0360 (Lleoliad Gwaith) DAS0360 Module
EAM0020 (Living Earth: Environmental Monitoring) EAM0020 Module
EAM1120 (Advanced Research Skills 1: science communication and data analysis) EAM1120 Module
EAM2920 (Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS) EAM2920 Module
EAM3060 (Research Dissertation in Geographical Information Systems/Remote Sensing) EAM3060 Module
EAM3820 (Applied Geospatial Skills in Industry) EAM3820 Module
EAM4020 (Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and GIS) EAM4020 Module
EAM4120 (Environmental Change: a Palaeo Perspective) EAM4120 Module
EAM4320 (Global Climate Change: Debates and Impacts) EAM4320 Module
EAM4420 (Behaviour Change in a Changing Environment) EAM4420 Module
EAM4520 (Managing Environmental Change in Practice) EAM4520 Module
EAM4660 (Dissertation in Environmental Change Impacts and Adaptation) EAM4660 Module
EAM5120 (Advanced Skills in Remote Sensing) EAM5120 Module
EAM5220 (Advanced Skills in Geographic Information Systems) EAM5220 Module
EAM5520 (Machine Learning for Geospatial Applications) EAM5520 Module
GGM0020 (Key Concepts and Debates in Study of Society and Space) GGM0020 Module
GGM0320 (Theory in Society and Space) GGM0320 Module
GGM1320 (Human Geography Theory and Method) GGM1320 Module
GGM2860 (MA Dissertation) GGM2860 Module
GGM3120 (Key Concepts and Debates in Human Geography) GGM3120 Module
GGM4040 (Geography Integrated Master's Project) GGM4040 Module
GS00120 (Foundation - Dialogue) GS00120 Module
GS00220 (Foundation - Learning experience 1) GS00220 Module
GS00320 (Learning experience 2) GS00320 Module
GS00420 (Environmental Management) GS00420 Module
GS00820 (Understanding Change - Environment, People, Places) GS00820 Module
GS01120 (Information in a Post-Truth World) GS01120 Module
GS09320 (How to be a Student 2) GS09320 Module
GS09520 (How to be a Student 1) GS09520 Module
GS09620 (The "Othered" Migrant: Social Science Perspectives) GS09620 Module
GS09720 (Introduction to Social Science) GS09720 Module
GS09820 (Representing the Other: Cultures and Clashes) GS09820 Module
GS09920 (Introduction to Humanities) GS09920 Module
GS10020 (Living in a Dangerous World) GS10020 Module
GS10220 (Conflict and Change: the making of urban and rural spaces) GS10220 Module
GS10520 (Earth Surface Environments) GS10520 Module
GS10720 (Life on Earth) GS10720 Module
GS11320 (Fieldwork Skills) GS11320 Module
GS11520 (How to Build a Planet) GS11520 Module
GS12520 (An introduction to Earth Materials) GS12520 Module
GS13020 (Researching the World: data collection and analysis) GS13020 Module
GS14220 (Place and Identity) GS14220 Module
GS15120 (Thinking Sociologically) GS15120 Module
GS16120 (Key Concepts in Sociology) GS16120 Module
GS17120 (Introducing Sociological Research) GS17120 Module
GS20020 (Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills) GS20020 Module
GS20220 (Genders and Sexualities) GS20220 Module
GS20410 (Concepts for Geographers) GS20410 Module
GS20510 (Social Research Methods) GS20510 Module
GS20620 (Cementing Sociological Research) GS20620 Module
GS21010 (Chemical Analysis of Natural Materials) GS21010 Module
GS21120 (Physical Geography and Environmental Science Research Design and Fieldwork Skills) GS21120 Module
GS21220 (Sociological Research in the 'Field') GS21220 Module
GS21420 (Environmental Earth Science Research Design and Fieldwork Skills) GS21420 Module
GS21520 (Human Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills) GS21520 Module
GS21620 (Sociological Research in the 'Field') GS21620 Module
GS21820 (Field Skills) GS21820 Module
GS21910 (Reconstructing Past Environments) GS21910 Module
GS22010 (Physical Analysis of Natural Materials) GS22010 Module
GS22620 (Advanced Earth Materials) GS22620 Module
GS22720 (Fundamentals of Geochemistry) GS22720 Module
GS22810 (Geohazards) GS22810 Module
GS22920 (Placing Culture) GS22920 Module
GS23020 (Placing Politics) GS23020 Module
GS23510 (The Frozen Planet) GS23510 Module
GS23710 (Geographical Information Systems) GS23710 Module
GS23810 (Quantitative Data Analysis) GS23810 Module
GS24220 (Understanding (in)equality and (in)justice) GS24220 Module
GS25020 (Sociological Theory) GS25020 Module
GS25210 (Catchment Systems) GS25210 Module
GS28910 (Geographical Perspectives on the Sustainable Society) GS28910 Module
GS29020 (Environmental Science Fieldwork) GS29020 Module
GS30020 (The psychosocial century) GS30020 Module
GS30320 (Environmental geochemistry and biogeochemistry) GS30320 Module
GS30420 (Volcanic Activity: Hazards and Environmental Change) GS30420 Module
GS31030 (Pollution in the Arctic (UNIS)) GS31030 Module
GS31120 (Applied Environmental Management) GS31120 Module
GS31240 (Sociology Dissertation) GS31240 Module
GS32020 (Monitoring our Planet's Health from Space) GS32020 Module
GS32120 (Sedimentary Environments) GS32120 Module
GS32230 (Arctic Hydrology and Climate Change (UNIS)) GS32230 Module
GS32330 (The Quaternary History of Svalbard (UNIS)) GS32330 Module
GS32430 (Arctic Marine Geology (UNIS)) GS32430 Module
GS33320 (Everyday Social Worlds) GS33320 Module
GS33420 (Glaciers and Ice Sheets) GS33420 Module
GS33720 (People, Climate and Environment: a Palaeoenvironmental Perspective) GS33720 Module
GS34040 (Geography Dissertation) GS34040 Module
GS34220 (Geography Joint Honours/Major Project) GS34220 Module
GS35140 (Environmental Earth Science Dissertation) GS35140 Module
GS35240 (Environmental Science Dissertation) GS35240 Module
GS35320 (Advanced Fieldwork Skills) GS35320 Module
GS36220 (Modern British Landscapes) GS36220 Module
GS36820 (The Global Countryside: Geographical and Sociological Perspectives) GS36820 Module
GS37520 (Urban Risk and Environmental Resilience) GS37520 Module
GS37920 (Memory Cultures: heritage, identity and power) GS37920 Module
GS39120 (Contemporary Global Migration) GS39120 Module
GSS0260 (Work Placement) GSS0260 Module
GSS0360 (Work Placement) GSS0360 Module
PGM4120 (Research Skills and Personal Development (0120)) PGM4120 Module
PGM4420 (Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)) PGM4420 Module
PGM4510 (Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)) PGM4510 Module
PGM4710 (Research Skills and Personal Development (Arts and Humanities) (2210)) PGM4710 Module
PGM4940 (Work Based Research in Professional Contexts) PGM4940 Module

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