Dysgu Gydol Oes / Lifelong Learning

Pori Adran

Enw Trefnu yn ôl enw Cod Trefnu yn ôl cod Math Trefnu yn ôl math
'Dark Ages?' The archaeology of early medieval Wales and England XE14510 Modiwl
Animal Diversity XS12210 Modiwl
Branching Out how to use maps for family history XE13905 Modiwl
Branching Out: how to use estate records for family history XE14705 Modiwl
Exploring Creative Writing XE14610 Modiwl
Focus on Philosophy: Free Will, or Free Won't? XE14310 Modiwl
From Acorn to Oak: Building a Family Tree (Part 3) XE11410 Modiwl
Gwibdaith Drwy Lenyddiaeth Gymraeg YD11010 Modiwl
Introduction to Animal Behaviour XS14810 Modiwl
Novel Writing 2: The First Draft XE14810 Modiwl
Waterbirds XS17410 Modiwl
XA00605 (Natural History Illustration: Mosses, Liverworts and Lichens) XA00605 Modiwl
XA00705 (Natural History Illustration: Seaweed) XA00705 Modiwl
XA00905 (2 Days of Mosaic (Distance Learning)) XA00905 Modiwl
XA01005 (Creative watercolour) XA01005 Modiwl
XA01105 (A Few Days of Stitching) XA01105 Modiwl
XA01305 (Applique Basics) XA01305 Modiwl
XA01405 (Digital Voices) XA01405 Modiwl
XA01505 (Natural History Illustration: Shells) XA01505 Modiwl
XA01605 (Natural History Illustration: Seed Heads) XA01605 Modiwl
XA01705 (Creative Watercolour) XA01705 Modiwl
XA01810 (Just Pencils!) XA01810 Modiwl
XA01910 (Just Ink!) XA01910 Modiwl
XA02005 (Social Media Marketing (DL)) XA02005 Modiwl
XA02210 (Just Ink!) XA02210 Modiwl
XA02905 (Digital Refresh: Steps towards becoming a digital native) XA02905 Modiwl
XA03010 (Watercolour for Everyone) XA03010 Modiwl
XA03110 (Art for Starters: Drawing) XA03110 Modiwl
XA03610 (Art for Starters: Painting) XA03610 Modiwl
XA03710 (Just Pencils) XA03710 Modiwl
XA04010 (Oil Painting: a Beginner's Guide) XA04010 Modiwl
XA04105 (Living Willow Sculpture) XA04105 Modiwl
XA04210 (Pastel Workshop) XA04210 Modiwl
XA04310 (Seas and Skies in Watercolour) XA04310 Modiwl
XA05710 (Watercolour for Everyone) XA05710 Modiwl
XA05820 (Flower Painting) XA05820 Modiwl
XA06010(Looking At Art) XA06010 Modiwl
XA06210 (Junk Art: Recycled Sculpture) XA06210 Modiwl
XA06605 (Photoshop for Photographers) XA06605 Modiwl
XA06705 (Photoshop: Retouching and Digital Repair) XA06705 Modiwl
XA07005 (Finance for start-up businesses: What you need to know) XA07005 Modiwl
XA07105 (From Fibre to Form - Exploring Soft Basketry Techniques) XA07105 Modiwl
XA07810 (Interior Design) XA07810 Modiwl
XA08810 (Up-Cycled Clothing) XA08810 Modiwl
XA08910 (Textile Techniques: Indigo, Dyeing and Felting) XA08910 Modiwl
XA09110 (Hooked on Wool) XA09110 Modiwl
XA09905 (Basic Sewing Machine Skills) XA09905 Modiwl
XA10110 (Images with a Strong Message) XA10110 Modiwl
XA10210 (Drawing with Scissors: Collage) XA10210 Modiwl
XA10310 (Now i Like That! the Influence of the Art Critic) XA10310 Modiwl
XA10510 (Introduction to Food Photography) XA10510 Modiwl
XA10610 (Up-Cycled Theatre Costume Design) XA10610 Modiwl
XA10710 (Animalia: Animals in Ceramics) XA10710 Modiwl
XA10810 (The History of Photography: 1) XA10810 Modiwl
XA10920 (Figurative Sculpture - Ceramics / Thermalite) XA10920 Modiwl
XA11010 (Nocturnes) XA11010 Modiwl
XA11110 (Abstracting the Landscape) XA11110 Modiwl
XA11410 (Botanical Illustration 2) XA11410 Modiwl
XA11610 (Towards Abstraction) XA11610 Modiwl
XA11720 (Natural History Illustration Tutorial Module: Book Creation) XA11720 Modiwl
XA11810 (Pastel Paintings: Figures and Portraits) XA11810 Modiwl
XA11910 (Digital Film Making) XA11910 Modiwl
XA12005 (Natural History Illustration: Dragonflies) XA12005 Modiwl
XA12120 (Land Art) XA12120 Modiwl
XA12210 (Abstracting the Figure) XA12210 Modiwl
XA12310 (Charcoal Workshop) XA12310 Modiwl
XA12410 (Sketchbook Studies) XA12410 Modiwl
XA12620 (Naked and the Nude) XA12620 Modiwl
XA12710(Willow Sculpture: 1) XA12710 Modiwl
XA12910 (Texture and Surface: Ceramics / Plaster) XA12910 Modiwl
XA13010 (Natural History Illustration: Birds & Mammals) XA13010 Modiwl
XA13120 (Museum and Gallery Education and Interpretation) XA13120 Modiwl
XA13410 (Tutorial Module - Study Skills for the Che: Art & Design) XA13410 Modiwl
XA13510 (Art in Wales: The Welsh Depicted (distance learning)) XA13510 Modiwl
XA13620(Museum and Gallery education and interpretation) XA13620 Modiwl
XA13710(Arts Events Management 1: The Big Idea) XA13710 Modiwl
XA13810(The Historical Background to Contemporary Art) XA13810 Modiwl
XA13910(The Sisters Influence: An art history study of the Davies sisters of Llandinam) XA13910 Modiwl
XA14010(Colour Choices) XA14010 Modiwl
XA14110 (Drawing from Observation: The Art of Looking) XA14110 Modiwl
XA14210 (Making Pictures: The Tricks of the Trade) XA14210 Modiwl
XA14310 (Botanical Illustration 1) XA14310 Modiwl
XA14410 (Forms from Nature) XA14410 Modiwl
XA14610 (Sculpture for Everyone: Wax, Wire and Paper Sculpture) XA14610 Modiwl
XA14710 (Narratives in Art) XA14710 Modiwl
XA14805 (Drawing on an iPad) XA14805 Modiwl
XA14910 (Botanical Illustration 2) XA14910 Modiwl
XA15010(History of Photography 2) XA15010 Modiwl
XA15110(History of Printmaking) XA15110 Modiwl
XA15220 (Figuratively Speaking: The History of Western Figurative Scuplture (DL)) XA15220 Modiwl
XA15305 (Building Reislience for the workforce) XA15305 Modiwl
XA15410 (Introduction to Printmaking) XA15410 Modiwl
XA15610(Safe Sensitive Ceramic Transfer) XA15610 Modiwl
XA15920 (Drawing on the Imagination) XA15920 Modiwl
XA16010 (Figure to Landscape: the Interplay of Form) XA16010 Modiwl
XA16110 (Draping on the stand: Up-cycled clothing using a mannequin) XA16110 Modiwl
XA16320 (The Sculpted Head: Portraiture in Clay) XA16320 Modiwl
XA16410 (Woodland Landscapes) XA16410 Modiwl
XA16510 (Imaging the Landscape: Pastels) XA16510 Modiwl
XA16605 (The Beginnings of Sculpture (Distance Learning)) XA16605 Modiwl
XA16705 (Natural History Illustration: Fungi) XA16705 Modiwl
XA16810 (Imaging in Photoshop: Poster Design) XA16810 Modiwl
XA17005 (Natural History Illustration: Mosses, Liverworts and Lichens) XA17005 Modiwl
XA17110 (Tutorial Module) XA17110 Modiwl
XA17205 (Building Resilience) XA17205 Modiwl
XA17310 (Drawing Children) XA17310 Modiwl
XA17410 (Plant Portraits) XA17410 Modiwl
XA17520 (Illustration) XA17520 Modiwl
XA17605 (Natural History Illustration : Feathers (DL)) XA17605 Modiwl
XA17710 (The Study of Art and Art History (Distance Learning)) XA17710 Modiwl
XA17910 (Web Design with Dreamweaver) XA17910 Modiwl
XA18010 (Introduction to Flash) XA18010 Modiwl
XA18210 (Nocturnes) XA18210 Modiwl
XA18305 (Digital Textile Design Using Photoshop) XA18305 Modiwl
XA18410 (Image Editing for the Web) XA18410 Modiwl
XA18510 (Sourced from the Landscape) XA18510 Modiwl
XA18610 (Colour Choices) XA18610 Modiwl
XA18620 (Tactile Environments: Textile Art) XA18620 Modiwl
XA18710 (Material Spaces: Textile Art) XA18710 Modiwl
XA19205 (Natural History Illustration: Invertebrates) XA19205 Modiwl
XA19310 (Cover to Cover - Altered Books) XA19310 Modiwl
XA19405 (Self-publish your images using Lightroom) XA19405 Modiwl
XA19505 (Working with Trees) XA19505 Modiwl
XA19610 (Further Up-Cycled Clothing and Pattern Making) XA19610 Modiwl
XA19710 (Mosaic for Artists) XA19710 Modiwl
XA20820 (Dialogue, debate and design) XA20820 Modiwl
XA25210 (Introduction to Delrin / Wood Engraving) XA25210 Modiwl
XA26420(Ceramic Artefacts) XA26420 Modiwl
XA27010(Marketing Yourself as An Art Practitioner) XA27010 Modiwl
XA27210(Glazing and Surface for the Studio Potter) XA27210 Modiwl
XA27810 (Paperclay: Pushing boundaries) XA27810 Modiwl
XA28220 (Marketing Yourself as An Art Practitioner) XA28220 Modiwl
XA29230 (Working Creatively with Others) XA29230 Modiwl
XC12010 (Microcredentials: Introduction to Programming) XC12010 Modiwl
XC12110 (Micro Credentials: Programming with Microcontrollers) XC12110 Modiwl
XC24010 (Applied 2D Graphics) XC24010 Modiwl
XC24110 (Applied 3D Graphics) XC24110 Modiwl
XC24210 (Theory of Extended Reality Technology) XC24210 Modiwl
XC24310 (Applied Extended Reality Technology) XC24310 Modiwl
XD10220 (Advanced Watercolour) XD10220 Modiwl
XD10320 (Painting Interiors) XD10320 Modiwl
XD10520 (Painting Gardens in Mixed Media) XD10520 Modiwl
XE10210 (Writing Science - Fiction and Speculative Fiction) XE10210 Modiwl
XE10310 (An Introduction to Genre) XE10310 Modiwl
XE10410 (Exploring Creative Writing Techinques) XE10410 Modiwl
XE10510 (Writing as a Creative Process) XE10510 Modiwl
XE10605 (Memoir Writing: an introduction) XE10605 Modiwl
XE10705 (Writing for Social Justice) XE10705 Modiwl
XE10805 (Food Writing) XE10805 Modiwl
XE10905 (Editing and Shaping your Work) XE10905 Modiwl
XE11005 (Introduction to Writing for Children) XE11005 Modiwl
XE11210 From Acorn to Oak: Building a Family Tree (Part 2) XE11210 Modiwl
XE11710 (Scriptwriting 1) XE11710 Modiwl
XE11810 (Exploring Creative Writing Techniques) XE11810 Modiwl
XE11910 (Vive La Difference! Writing in Genre) XE11910 Modiwl
XE12010 (Writing as a Creative Process) XE12010 Modiwl
XE12110 (Novel Writing 1) XE12110 Modiwl
XE12210 (Novel Writing 2) XE12210 Modiwl
XE12310 (Poetry Writing 1) XE12310 Modiwl
XE12410 (Poetry Writing 2) XE12410 Modiwl
XE12510 (Screenwriting 1) XE12510 Modiwl
XE12610 (Screenwriting 2) XE12610 Modiwl
XE12710 (Screenwriting 3) XE12710 Modiwl
XE12810 (Developing Creativity) XE12810 Modiwl
XE12910 (Developing a Voice in Writing) XE12910 Modiwl
XE13010 (Personal Development Through Writing) XE13010 Modiwl
XE13110 (Writing for Radio: An Introduction) XE13110 Modiwl
XE13210 (Writing for Publication) XE13210 Modiwl
XE13310 (Scriptwriting 2: Writing for Radio, Theatre, Film and TV) XE13310 Modiwl
XE13410 (Scriptwriting 3: Writing for Radio, Theatre, Film and TV) XE13410 Modiwl
XE13510 Richard III: Life and Legacy XE13510 Modiwl
XE13805 Branching Out: How to use pre-1858 Wills for Family History XE13805 Modiwl
XE14010 Focus on Philosophy XE14010 Modiwl
XE14110 Life, Death, and Religion: Themes in the Archaeology of Britiain XE14110 Modiwl
XE14210 Wales and the Wars of the Roses XE14210 Modiwl
XE14410 Novel Writing 1: Beginning a Novel XE14410 Modiwl
XE15010 The Women of the Wars of the Roses XE15010 Modiwl
XE16310 (Tracing your Ancestors: Research Beginnings) XE16310 Modiwl
XE16410 (Family History: Using Historical Records in - Part 1) XE16410 Modiwl
XE16510 (Family History: Using Historical Records in - Part 2) XE16510 Modiwl
XE16610 (Clom Timber Stone: Researching the History of your House or Local Buildings) XE16610 Modiwl
XE16810 (Family History: Mulit-Media Presentations 1) XE16810 Modiwl
XE16910 (Family History: Mulit-Media Presentations 2) XE16910 Modiwl
XE17010 (Genealogy, Computers and the Internet) XE17010 Modiwl
XE17110(Deciphering old handwriting: Palaeography for beginners) XE17110 Modiwl
XE17210 (Philosophy for Beginners) XE17210 Modiwl
XE17310 (Philosophy and the Pantheon approach) XE17310 Modiwl
XE17710 (Archaeology for the Local Historian) XE17710 Modiwl
XE17910(Riots and Rebellions) XE17910 Modiwl
XE18010 (Maids, Wives, Widows and Whores: the Lives of Medieval Women) XE18010 Modiwl
XE18110(Gods & Chieftains: West Wales in the Iron Age) XE18110 Modiwl
XE18310 (Outlaws in Medieval England and Wales) XE18310 Modiwl
XE18905 (How to begin researching the history of your house) XE18905 Modiwl
XE19210 (From Acorn to Oak: Building a Family Tree (part 1)) XE19210 Modiwl
XE19310 (Archaeology and Anthropology of Death & Burial) XE19310 Modiwl
XE19510(Philiosophy of the mind) XE19510 Modiwl
XE19610 (Right or Wrong? Moral Philosophy) XE19610 Modiwl
XE19710 (Writing for the Ear) XE19710 Modiwl
XE19910 (Memorials and their meaning: Controversial gateways to your community's past) XE19910 Modiwl
XF13205 (In and Out of the Studio) XF13205 Modiwl
XF14710 (Approaches to Life Drawing) XF14710 Modiwl
XJ10210 (Approaches to Life Painting) XJ10210 Modiwl
XJ10710 (Approaches to Landscape Painting) XJ10710 Modiwl
XJ15210 (Drawing and Painting the Landscape) XJ15210 Modiwl
XJ15410 (Land Art 1) XJ15410 Modiwl
XJ15710 (The Still Life) XJ15710 Modiwl
XJ15810 (Contemporary Art and Discussion) XJ15810 Modiwl
XJ15910 (Extending the Line: Charcoal) XJ15910 Modiwl
XJ16010 (Life Drawing: Charcoal) XJ16010 Modiwl
XK01505 (Drawing for Well-being) XK01505 Modiwl
XK03510 (Working with pastels) XK03510 Modiwl
XK10110(Sculpture for Everyone) XK10110 Modiwl
XK10710 (In pursuit of opportunities and enterprise: I can do it!) XK10710 Modiwl
XK10910 (Portraiture in Oils) XK10910 Modiwl
XK11110 (Express Yourself: Drawing) XK11110 Modiwl
XK11210 (Colour Exploration) XK11210 Modiwl
XK11310 (Botanical Illustration: 1) XK11310 Modiwl
XK11410 (Express Yourself: Painting) XK11410 Modiwl
XK11605 (Natural History Illustration: The lower plants) XK11605 Modiwl
XK11705 (Creating Podcasts) XK11705 Modiwl
XK12210 (Narratives in Art) XK12210 Modiwl
XK12305 (Natural History Illustration: Succulents) XK12305 Modiwl
XK12405 (Natural History Illustration: Crustaceans) XK12405 Modiwl
XK12510 (Collectors and Collection: Natural History Illustrators) XK12510 Modiwl
XK12610 (Tutorial Module: Natural History Studies) XK12610 Modiwl
XK12710 (Natural History Studies: The Early Illustrators) XK12710 Modiwl
XK12810 (Creating Light: The Still Life) XK12810 Modiwl
XK12905 (The Davies' Sisters: Cardiff Collection) XK12905 Modiwl
XK13110 (Design Through Batik) XK13110 Modiwl
XK13310 (Seas and Skies in Watercolour) XK13310 Modiwl
XK13410 (Express Yourself Drawing) XK13410 Modiwl
XK13705 (Passport to the Workplace) XK13705 Modiwl
XK13905 (Digital Voices) XK13905 Modiwl
XK14010 (Social Enterprise) XK14010 Modiwl
XK14110 (Cover to Cover: The Altered Book) XK14110 Modiwl
XK14205 (Parent's Guide to supporting neuro-diverse learners) XK14205 Modiwl
XK14305 (Parent's guide to...Resilience for youngsters) XK14305 Modiwl
XK14510 (Drawn from Observation) XK14510 Modiwl
XK14705 (Advanced Social Media: Twitter) XK14705 Modiwl
XK14805 (Advanced Social Media Marketing: LinkedIn) XK14805 Modiwl
XK15205 (Natural History Illustration: Wildflowers) XK15205 Modiwl
XK15305 (Natural History Illustration: Birds in Flight) XK15305 Modiwl
XK15405 (Natural History Illustration: Strand Line - where the sea meets the shore) XK15405 Modiwl
XK15510 (Food Photography) XK15510 Modiwl
XK15605 (Digital Drawing and Painting) XK15605 Modiwl
XK19005 (A tool kit for supporting somene wth dementia) XK19005 Modiwl
XK23820 (Dialogue Discussion and Debate) XK23820 Modiwl
XL10010 (Spanish Improvers 2) XL10010 Modiwl
XL10320 (French Intermediate) XL10320 Modiwl
XL10420 (French Higher Intermediate) XL10420 Modiwl
XL10520(French Advanced 1) XL10520 Modiwl
XL10620 (French Advanced 2) XL10620 Modiwl
XL10720(Itineraires Culturels Et Litteraires 1) XL10720 Modiwl
XL10820(Itineraires Culturels Et Litteraires 2) XL10820 Modiwl
XL11220 (Spanish Intermediate) XL11220 Modiwl
XL11320 (Spanish Higher Intermediate) XL11320 Modiwl
XL11420 (Spanish Advanced 1) XL11420 Modiwl
XL11520 (Spanish Advanced 2) XL11520 Modiwl
XL11620 (Cultura Hispanica 1) XL11620 Modiwl
XL11720(Cultura Hispanica 2) XL11720 Modiwl
XL12020 (Italian Intermediate) XL12020 Modiwl
XL12120 (Italian Higher Intermediate) XL12120 Modiwl
XL12220 (Italian Advanced 1) XL12220 Modiwl
XL12320(Italian Advanced 2) XL12320 Modiwl
XL12520 (Russian Studies for Advanced Students 2) XL12520 Modiwl
XL12620 (Russian Intermediate) XL12620 Modiwl
XL12720 (Russian Higher Intermediate) XL12720 Modiwl
XL12820(Russian Advanced 1) XL12820 Modiwl
XL12920(Russian Advanced 2) XL12920 Modiwl
XL13220 (Japanese Intermediate) XL13220 Modiwl
XL13320(Japanese Higher Intermediate) XL13320 Modiwl
XL13420 (Japanese Advanced 1) XL13420 Modiwl
XL13520(Japanese Advanced 2) XL13520 Modiwl
XL13820 (Chinese Intermediate) XL13820 Modiwl
XL13920 (Chinese Higher Intermediate) XL13920 Modiwl
XL14020(Chinese Advanced 1) XL14020 Modiwl
XL14120(Chinese Advanced 2) XL14120 Modiwl
XL14420 (Greek Intermediate) XL14420 Modiwl
XL14620(Greek Advanced 1) XL14620 Modiwl
XL14720(Greek Advanced 2) XL14720 Modiwl
XL15020 (German Intermediate) XL15020 Modiwl
XL15120 (German Higher Intermediate) XL15120 Modiwl
XL15220 (German Advanced 1) XL15220 Modiwl
XL15320 (German Advanced 2) XL15320 Modiwl
XL15420(Buntes Kaleidoskop Fur Redekunstler 1) XL15420 Modiwl
XL15520(Buntes Kaleidoskop Fur Redekunstler 2) XL15520 Modiwl
XL15810 (French Beginners 1) XL15810 Modiwl
XL15910 (French Beginners 2) XL15910 Modiwl
XL16010 (French Improvers 1) XL16010 Modiwl
XL16110 (French Improvers 2) XL16110 Modiwl
XL16220 (La France Profonde 1) XL16220 Modiwl
XL16320 (La France Profonde 2) XL16320 Modiwl
XL16410 (Italian Beginners 1) XL16410 Modiwl
XL16510 (Italian Beginners 2) XL16510 Modiwl
XL16610 (Italian Improvers 1) XL16610 Modiwl
XL16710 (Italian Improvers 2) XL16710 Modiwl
XL16810 (Russian Beginners 1) XL16810 Modiwl
XL16910 (Russian Beginners 2) XL16910 Modiwl
XL17010 (Russian Improvers 1) XL17010 Modiwl
XL17110 (Russian Improvers 2) XL17110 Modiwl
XL17210 (German Beginners 1) XL17210 Modiwl
XL17310 (German Beginners 2) XL17310 Modiwl
XL17410 (German Improvers 1) XL17410 Modiwl
XL17510 (German Improvers 2) XL17510 Modiwl
XL17620 (The New German Cinema) XL17620 Modiwl
XL17710 (Greek Beginners 1) XL17710 Modiwl
XL17810 (Greek Beginners 2) XL17810 Modiwl
XL17910 Greek Improvers 1 XL17910 Modiwl
XL18010 (Greek Improvers 2) XL18010 Modiwl
XL18110 (Japanese Beginners 1) XL18110 Modiwl
XL18210 (Japanese Beginners 2) XL18210 Modiwl
XL18310 (Japanese Improvers 1) XL18310 Modiwl
XL18410 (Japanese Improvers 2) XL18410 Modiwl
XL18510 (Chinese Beginners 1) XL18510 Modiwl
XL18610 (Chinese Beginners 2) XL18610 Modiwl
XL18710 (Chinese Improvers 1) XL18710 Modiwl
XL18810 (Chinese Improvers 2) XL18810 Modiwl
XL18910 (Breton Beginners 1) XL18910 Modiwl
XL19010(Breton Beginners 2) XL19010 Modiwl
XL19110(Breton Improvers 1) XL19110 Modiwl
XL19210(Breton Improvers 2) XL19210 Modiwl
XL19320(Breton Intermediate) XL19320 Modiwl
XL19420(Breton Higher Intermediate) XL19420 Modiwl
XL19520(Breton Advanced 1) XL19520 Modiwl
XL19620(Breton Advanced 2) XL19620 Modiwl
XL19710 (Spanish Beginners 1) XL19710 Modiwl
XL19810 (Spanish Beginners 2) XL19810 Modiwl
XL19910 (Spanish Improvers 1) XL19910 Modiwl
XM10110 (Welsh Landed Estates and Their Families) XM10110 Modiwl
XM10610 (Writing Ecology: Becoming a Writer of your Own Square Mile) XM10610 Modiwl
XM10710 (Creative Non-Fiction) XM10710 Modiwl
XM11010 (Crime & Punishment in the 19th Century: Murder and the Detective) XM11010 Modiwl
XM11110 (Food Writing) XM11110 Modiwl
XM11310 (The Word: Revealing Russia) XM11310 Modiwl
XM11405 (The Wonders of Multimedia: An Introduction for the Non-Technical) XM11405 Modiwl
XM11610(An Introduction to Playwriting) XM11610 Modiwl
XM11905 (An introduction to Family History Sources at the National Library of Wales) XM11905 Modiwl
XM12010 (Reading the Prize-Winners) XM12010 Modiwl
XM12105 (Now You're Talking: Preparing an Oral History Interview) XM12105 Modiwl
XM12210 (Writing History for Publication) XM12210 Modiwl
XM12310 (Children's Lives) XM12310 Modiwl
XM13310(Introduction to Shakespeare) XM13310 Modiwl
XM13510 (Writing Freelance Features) XM13510 Modiwl
XM13710 (The Welsh Bardic Tradition) XM13710 Modiwl
XM13910 (Songs and Songwriting) XM13910 Modiwl
XM14310 (Writing Short Stories) XM14310 Modiwl
XM14710 Post medieval palaeography & diplomatic XM14710 Modiwl
XM14820 (Reading Historical Documents in Local Archives: Deciphering Old Handwriting) XM14820 Modiwl
XM14910 (Family History: Using Historical Records Part 3) XM14910 Modiwl
XM15110 (Herstory: Researching and Writing Women's History) XM15110 Modiwl
XM15220 (Herstory: a Women's History Research Project) XM15220 Modiwl
XM15410(Writing for Children: An Introduction) XM15410 Modiwl
XM15610 (Archaeology of the Welsh Graveyard) XM15610 Modiwl
XM15710 (Autobiographical Writing) XM15710 Modiwl
XM16020 (Novel Writing - Extension Module) XM16020 Modiwl
XM16710 (Basic Latin for Family & Local Historians) XM16710 Modiwl
XM16810 (Words That Run with Wolves 1: Illustrating and Writing Creatively for Children) XM16810 Modiwl
XM17010 (Words That Run with Wolves 2) XM17010 Modiwl
XM17810 (The Cistercians: An Introduction) XM17810 Modiwl
XM17910 (Writing for Children: An Introduction) XM17910 Modiwl
XM18110 (The 19th Century Gothic Novel) XM18110 Modiwl
XM18210 (Women Writing: Literature & the Second Wave of Feminism) XM18210 Modiwl
XM18310 (Personal Is Political: Politics, Ideology and Literature) XM18310 Modiwl
XM18410 (Local History 1) XM18410 Modiwl
XM18510 (Writing from Nature) XM18510 Modiwl
XM18610 (We Don'T Talk About Them: Outcasts of Family History) XM18610 Modiwl
XM18710 (Family life in twentieth century Britain) XM18710 Modiwl
XM19010 (Local History 2) XM19010 Modiwl
XM19110 (History of Health and Medicine) XM19110 Modiwl
XM19210 (Myths, Legends, Ghosts & Spirits) XM19210 Modiwl
XM19310 (Writing Detective and Thriller Fiction) XM19310 Modiwl
XM19410 (Writing for Publication) XM19410 Modiwl
XM19805 (Presentation Skills and Public Speaking for All) XM19805 Modiwl
XM19910 (The Witch Hunts) XM19910 Modiwl
XM20810 (Developing your creative non-fiction project 1) XM20810 Modiwl
XM20910 (Developing your creative non-fiction project 2) XM20910 Modiwl
XM21210 (More Movies of the Mind: Developing your radio or audio drama project) XM21210 Modiwl
XM21710(Writing with attentiveness and feeling) XM21710 Modiwl
XM21810(Writing & Rewriting) XM21810 Modiwl
XN08210 (Introduction to Mathematics 1) XN08210 Modiwl
XN08310 (Introduction to Mathematics 2) XN08310 Modiwl
XN10010 (Foundations of Psychology) XN10010 Modiwl
XN10110 (Social Psychology) XN10110 Modiwl
XN10210 (An Introduction to Child Psychology) XN10210 Modiwl
XN10410 (Working with Play) XN10410 Modiwl
XN10910 (Mind and Body - the Psychology of Health) XN10910 Modiwl
XN11110 (Listening to Others: Skills and Practice) XN11110 Modiwl
XN11410 (Conflict Management: Skills and Practice) XN11410 Modiwl
XN11610 (Psychology and Addiction) XN11610 Modiwl
XN11710 (Forensic Psychology) XN11710 Modiwl
XN12210 (Brain and Behaviour: Foundations of Psychology Part 2) XN12210 Modiwl
XN12310 (Introduction to Research Psychology) XN12310 Modiwl
XN12410 (Who Am i? Psychology of Individual Differences) XN12410 Modiwl
XN12710 (Counselling Skills: Models and Practice) XN12710 Modiwl
XN12830 (Supporting Students) XN12830 Modiwl
XN13620 (Youth crime and justice) XN13620 Modiwl
XN13910 (Mindfulness for Stress and Wellbeing) XN13910 Modiwl
XN14210 (Conflict Resolution: Models and Practice) XN14210 Modiwl
XN14305 (Building Effective Teams in the Workplace) XN14305 Modiwl
XN14520 (New Directions: Coaching for Developing Self and Others) XN14520 Modiwl
XN14705 (Stress Management) XN14705 Modiwl
XN14805 (Exploring Mental Health) XN14805 Modiwl
XN14905(Conflict Management) XN14905 Modiwl
XN16505 (Understanding Addiction) XN16505 Modiwl
XN16710 The Science of Wellbeing (Part 1) XN16710 Modiwl
XN16810 (The Science of Wellbeing - Part 2) XN16810 Modiwl
XN18410 (Game Theory) XN18410 Modiwl
XN18610 (Introduction to Forensic Psychology) XN18610 Modiwl
XN24130 (Developing Effective Leadership) XN24130 Modiwl
XR10110 (Arabic Beginners 1) XR10110 Modiwl
XR10210 (Arabic Beginners 2) XR10210 Modiwl
XR10310(Arabic Improvers 1) XR10310 Modiwl
XR10410(Arabic Improvers 2) XR10410 Modiwl
XR10520(Arabic Intermediate) XR10520 Modiwl
XR10910(Arabic Beginners 2 Extra) XR10910 Modiwl
XR11010(Arabic Improvers 2 Extra) XR11010 Modiwl
XR11510(Breton Beginners 2 Extra) XR11510 Modiwl
XR11710(Breton Intermediate Extra) XR11710 Modiwl
XR11810(Breton Higher Intermediate Extra) XR11810 Modiwl
XR12110(Chinese Beginners 2 Extra) XR12110 Modiwl
XR12210(Chinese Improvers 2 Extra) XR12210 Modiwl
XR12310(Chinese Intermediate Extra) XR12310 Modiwl
XR12410(Chinese Higher Intermediate Extra) XR12410 Modiwl
XR12510 (Chinese Advanced 1 Extra) XR12510 Modiwl
XR12610 (Chinese Advanced 2 Extra) XR12610 Modiwl
XR12710(French Beginners 2 Extra) XR12710 Modiwl
XR12810 (French Improvers 2 Extra) XR12810 Modiwl
XR12910 (French Intermediate Extra) XR12910 Modiwl
XR13010(French Higher Intermediate Extra) XR13010 Modiwl
XR13110(French Advanced 1 Extra) XR13110 Modiwl
XR13210 (French Advanced 2 Extra) XR13210 Modiwl
XR13310(La France Profonde 1 Extra) XR13310 Modiwl
XR13410(La France Profonde 2 Extra) XR13410 Modiwl
XR13510(Itineraires Culturels Et Litteraires 1 Extra) XR13510 Modiwl
XR13710(German Beginners 2 Extra) XR13710 Modiwl
XR13810(German Improvers 2 Extra) XR13810 Modiwl
XR13910(German Intermediate Extra) XR13910 Modiwl
XR14010(German Higher Intermediate Extra) XR14010 Modiwl
XR14110(German Advanced 1 Extra) XR14110 Modiwl
XR14210(German Advanced 2 Extra) XR14210 Modiwl
XR14310(Buntes Kaleidoskop Fur Redekunstler 1 Extra) XR14310 Modiwl
XR14410(Buntes Kaleidoskop Fur Redekunstler 2 Extra) XR14410 Modiwl
XR14510(New German Cinema Extra) XR14510 Modiwl
XR14610(Greek Beginners 2 Extra) XR14610 Modiwl
XR14710(Greek Improvers 2 Extra) XR14710 Modiwl
XR14810(Greek Intermediate Extra) XR14810 Modiwl
XR15210(Italian Beginners 2 Extra) XR15210 Modiwl
XR15310(Italian Improvers 2 Extra) XR15310 Modiwl
XR15410(Italian Intermediate Extra) XR15410 Modiwl
XR15510(Italian Higher Intermediate Extra) XR15510 Modiwl
XR15610(Italian Advanced 1 Extra) XR15610 Modiwl
XR15810(Japanese Beginners 2 Extra) XR15810 Modiwl
XR15910(Japanese Improvers 2 Extra) XR15910 Modiwl
XR16010(Japanese Intermediate Extra) XR16010 Modiwl
XR16110(Japanese Higher Intermediate Extra) XR16110 Modiwl
XR16210(Japanese Advanced 1 Extra) XR16210 Modiwl
XR16310(Japanese Advanced 2 Extra) XR16310 Modiwl
XR16410(Russian Beginners 2 Extra) XR16410 Modiwl
XR16510(Russian Improvers 2 Extra) XR16510 Modiwl
XR16610(Russian Intermediate Extra) XR16610 Modiwl
XR16710(Russian Higher Intermediate Extra) XR16710 Modiwl
XR16810(Russian Advanced 1 Extra) XR16810 Modiwl
XR16910(Russian Advanced 2 Extra) XR16910 Modiwl
XR17010(Russian Studies for Advanced Students 1 Extra) XR17010 Modiwl
XR17210(Spanish Beginners 2 Extra) XR17210 Modiwl
XR17310(Spanish Improvers 2 Extra) XR17310 Modiwl
XR17410 (Spanish Intermediate Extra) XR17410 Modiwl
XR17510(Spanish Higher Intermediate Extra) XR17510 Modiwl
XR17610(Spanish Advanced 1 Extra) XR17610 Modiwl
XR17710 (Spanish Advanced 2 Extra) XR17710 Modiwl
XR17810(Cultura Hispanica 1 Extra) XR17810 Modiwl
XR17910(Cultura Hispanica 2 Extra) XR17910 Modiwl
XR18220 (Conversational British Sign Language) XR18220 Modiwl
XS00305 Amphibians in the Environment - A holisitic view of their place in nature XS00305 Modiwl
XS01010 (Introduction to Outdoor Digital Photography) XS01010 Modiwl
XS01105 (Introduction to Permaculture) XS01105 Modiwl
XS02510 (Wildlife Digital Photography) XS02510 Modiwl
XS03105 (Fungi: Natural History Illustration) XS03105 Modiwl
XS03305 (Intriguing Insects: Natural History Illustration) XS03305 Modiwl
XS04205(Fur, Feather & Scales) XS04205 Modiwl
XS04805 (Introduction to Forest Gardening) XS04805 Modiwl
XS06510 (Earth and Water) XS06510 Modiwl
XS06610 (People and Planet) XS06610 Modiwl
XS06810(Organic Gardening) XS06810 Modiwl
XS06910 (Sowing the Seeds of Sustainability - An Introduction to Permaculture) XS06910 Modiwl
XS07010 (An Introduction to Fungi) XS07010 Modiwl
XS07110 (Wildlife Gardening) XS07110 Modiwl
XS07205(Botany for Gardening) XS07205 Modiwl
XS07305(Growing Fruit) XS07305 Modiwl
XS07410 (Exploring Nature Through a Lens) XS07410 Modiwl
XS09110 (Botany for Gardening) XS09110 Modiwl
XS09410(Permaculture Design Course 2) XS09410 Modiwl
XS09510(Permaculture Design Course 3) XS09510 Modiwl
XS10010 (Reflection on how transport and health interconnections could improve your practice) XS10010 Modiwl
XS10210 (Dealing with Data) XS10210 Modiwl
XS10410 (Understanding British Mammals: Insectivores, rodents and lagomorphs) XS10410 Modiwl
XS10510 (Peat and Peatlands in Wales) XS10510 Modiwl
XS10710 (Understanding British Mammals: Mustelids, canids and ungulates) XS10710 Modiwl
XS10810 Ecology 1 XS10810 Modiwl
XS10910 (Invertebrate Macro Photography) XS10910 Modiwl
XS11010 Bird Identification: an introduction XS11010 Modiwl
XS11110 (Rocky Shore Ecology) XS11110 Modiwl
XS11210 (Identification and Ecology of Waxcap Grassland Fungi) XS11210 Modiwl
XS11410 Understanding Amphibian XS11410 Modiwl
XS11510 (Geology - An Introduction) XS11510 Modiwl
XS12110 Plant Diversity XS12110 Modiwl
XS12310 Identifying Flowering Plants XS12310 Modiwl
XS12410 (Ecology 1) XS12410 Modiwl
XS12610 Woodland Birds XS12610 Modiwl
XS12710 Diversity of Invertebrates XS12710 Modiwl
XS12810 (Animal Diversity) XS12810 Modiwl
XS12910 (Plant Diversity) XS12910 Modiwl
XS13010 (Identifying Flowering Plants) XS13010 Modiwl
XS13210 (Bird Identification: An Introduction) XS13210 Modiwl
XS13410 (Entomology: the Larger Insects of Wales) XS13410 Modiwl
XS13505 (Living Soil) XS13505 Modiwl
XS13710 (Animal Behaviour: Why Do They Do That?) XS13710 Modiwl
XS14010 (Good Heavens - An Introduction to Astronomy) XS14010 Modiwl
XS14110 (Journey to the Stars: a History of Astronomy) XS14110 Modiwl
XS14210 (Climate Change Ecology) XS14210 Modiwl
XS14310 Understanding Amphibians XS14310 Modiwl
XS14410 (Ecology of Fungi) XS14410 Modiwl
XS14510 (Understanding British Marine Mammals) XS14510 Modiwl
XS14910 (Town and Country) XS14910 Modiwl
XS15110 (Migrant Breeding Birds) XS15110 Modiwl
XS15210(Waterbird Identification - Waders, Wildfowl and Gulls) XS15210 Modiwl
XS15310 (An Introduction to Evolutionary Biology) XS15310 Modiwl
XS15410 Wildflowers: Identification and Folklore XS15410 Modiwl
XS16310(Breeding Birds of Coast and Estuary) XS16310 Modiwl
XS16510 (Fungal Ecology) XS16510 Modiwl
XS16710 (Coastlines - Form and Function) XS16710 Modiwl
XS17010 (Identifying Mosses, Liverworts and Lichens) XS17010 Modiwl
XS17110 (Plants in Their Habitats) XS17110 Modiwl
XS17210 (Further Forensics) XS17210 Modiwl
XS17310 (The Diversity of Invertebrates in West Wales) XS17310 Modiwl
XS17510 (Documenting Coastal Species Through a Lens) XS17510 Modiwl
XS17610 (Understanding Reptiles) XS17610 Modiwl
XS17710 (Forensics - An Introduction) XS17710 Modiwl
XS17910 (Woodland Birds) XS17910 Modiwl
XS18210 (Life in the Seas) XS18210 Modiwl
XS18310 (The Wildlife of Nature Reserves) XS18310 Modiwl
XS18410 (Ferns and Fern Allies: Identification, Evolution and Their Role in Victorian Life) XS18410 Modiwl
XS18510 (Dragonflies) XS18510 Modiwl
XS18810 (Pond and Stream Invertebrate Life) XS18810 Modiwl
XS19010 (Identifying Grasses, Sedges and Rushes) XS19010 Modiwl
XS19210 (Field Survey Techniques) XS19210 Modiwl
XS19410 (Permaculture Design Course 2) XS19410 Modiwl
XS19510 (Permaculture Design Course 3) XS19510 Modiwl
XS19710 (Understanding British Bats - An Introduction) XS19710 Modiwl
XS20330 (Field and Conservation Ecology Project) XS20330 Modiwl
XS20510 (Principles of Habitat Restoration and Creation) XS20510 Modiwl
XS20610 A Guide to Environmental Impact Assessment XS20610 Modiwl
XS21610 (Landscapes and Their Conservation) XS21610 Modiwl
XS21810 (The Geological History of Wales) XS21810 Modiwl
XS22310 (Habitat Restoration and Recreation) XS22310 Modiwl
XS22710 (A Guide to Environmental Impact Assessment) XS22710 Modiwl
XS25010 (Our Countryside Change and Community) XS25010 Modiwl
XS27310 (Plants in their habitats (Level 2)) XS27310 Modiwl
XS29410(Bird Survey) XS29410 Modiwl
XS29510 (Ecology 2) XS29510 Modiwl
XS29610 (Conservation Strategies - Principles and Practice) XS29610 Modiwl
XS29810 (Identifying Non-flowering Plants) XS29810 Modiwl
XS29910 (Marine Life and Conservation in Cardigan Bay) XS29910 Modiwl
XW18310 (Web-Site Design Introductory Course) XW18310 Modiwl
YD03905 (Marchnata ar y Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol (Dysgu o Bell)) YD03905 Modiwl
YD12710 (Archwilio Ysgrifennu Creadigol) YD12710 Modiwl
YD12910 (Hwyl gyda'r gynghanedd) YD12910 Modiwl
YD13510 (Celf yng Nghymru: Portreadu'r Cymry (dysgu o bell)) YD13510 Modiwl
YD13610 (Ysgrifennu drama) YD13610 Modiwl
YD14005 (Creu Podlediadau) YD14005 Modiwl

Rhestrau wedi'u cysylltu [ADZZ] Dysgu Gydol Oes / Lifelong Learning

Ar hyn o bryd, does dim rhestrau wedi'u cysylltu i'r Adran.