Ysgol Fusnes Aberystwyth / Aberystwyth Business School

Pori Adran

Enw Trefnu yn ôl enw Cod Trefnu yn ôl cod Math Trefnu yn ôl math
AB00120 (Decision Making in Tourism) AB00120 Modiwl
AB01320 (Economics, Finance and Accounting for Business) AB01320 Modiwl
AB05120 (Foundations of Management and Marketing) AB05120 Modiwl
AB11120 (Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance) AB11120 Modiwl
AB11220 (Accounting and Finance for Specialists) AB11220 Modiwl
AB13120 (Understanding the Economy) AB13120 Modiwl
AB13220 (Economic Theory and Policy) AB13220 Modiwl
AB15120 (Fundamentals of Management and Business) AB15120 Modiwl
AB15220 (Data Analytics) AB15220 Modiwl
AB17120 (Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice) AB17120 Modiwl
AB19120 (Principles of Tourism Management) AB19120 Modiwl
AB21120 (Intermediate Financial Accounting) AB21120 Modiwl
AB21220 (Intermediate Management Accounting) AB21220 Modiwl
AB21320 (Corporate Governance, Risk and Ethics) AB21320 Modiwl
AB21420 (Corporate Finance and Financial Markets) AB21420 Modiwl
AB21520 (Taxation) AB21520 Modiwl
AB21620 (The Role and Practice of Auditing) AB21620 Modiwl
AB21720 (Financial Technology and Business Success) AB21720 Modiwl
AB23120 (Microeconomics Theory and Policy Applications) AB23120 Modiwl
AB23220 (Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy Applications) AB23220 Modiwl
AB23320 (Managerial Economics) AB23320 Modiwl
AB23420 (Econometrics) AB23420 Modiwl
AB23520 (Health Economics) AB23520 Modiwl
AB25120 (Operations and Supply Chain Management) AB25120 Modiwl
AB25220 (Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation) AB25220 Modiwl
AB25320 (Research Methods) AB25320 Modiwl
AB25420 (Human Resource Management) AB25420 Modiwl
AB25540 (Strategic Business and Operational Resilience Analysis) AB25540 Modiwl
AB25720 (Fundamentals of Management and Business) AB25720 Modiwl
AB27120 (Marketing Management) AB27120 Modiwl
AB27220 (Consumer and Buyer Behaviour) AB27220 Modiwl
AB27420 (Applied Brand Management) AB27420 Modiwl
AB27520 (Marketing: Business Relationships and Customer Experience) AB27520 Modiwl
AB29120 (Destination and Attraction Management) AB29120 Modiwl
AB29220 (Adventure Tourism) AB29220 Modiwl
AB29320 (International Tourism in Practice) AB29320 Modiwl
AB29420 (Activity Certification 1) AB29420 Modiwl
AB31120 (Advanced Financial Accounting) AB31120 Modiwl
AB31220 (Advanced Management Accounting) AB31220 Modiwl
AB31320 (Investments and Financial Instruments) AB31320 Modiwl
AB31420 (Accounting and Finance: Analysis and Application) AB31420 Modiwl
AB31520 (Taxation) AB31520 Modiwl
AB31620 (The Role and Practice of Auditing) AB31620 Modiwl
AB31720 (Financial Strategy) AB31720 Modiwl
AB31820 (Financial Technology and Business Success) AB31820 Modiwl
AB33120 (Contemporary Issues in Economics and Policy) AB33120 Modiwl
AB33220 (Environmental Economics) AB33220 Modiwl
AB33320 (History of Economic Thought) AB33320 Modiwl
AB33420 (Growth, Development and Sustainability) AB33420 Modiwl
AB33520 (Trade and International Monetary Systems) AB33520 Modiwl
AB33620 (Labour Economics) AB33620 Modiwl
AB33720 (Advanced Econometrics) AB33720 Modiwl
AB35120 (Strategic Leadership) AB35120 Modiwl
AB35220 (Digital Business: Leadership and Management) AB35220 Modiwl
AB35320 (Global Logistics) AB35320 Modiwl
AB35420 (Organizational Psychology) AB35420 Modiwl
AB35540 (Dissertation) AB35540 Modiwl
AB37120 (Marketing and Digital Marketing Communication) AB37120 Modiwl
AB37220 (Digital Marketing) AB37220 Modiwl
AB37320 (Global Marketing) AB37320 Modiwl
AB38020 (Employability Skills for Professionals) AB38020 Modiwl
AB39120 (Sustainable Tourism) AB39120 Modiwl
AB39220 (Tourism Marketing) AB39220 Modiwl
AB39320 (Tourism Development and Planning) AB39320 Modiwl
AB39420 (Activity Certification 2) AB39420 Modiwl
ABM1120 (Financial Analysis and Decision Making) ABM1120 Modiwl
ABM1220 (International Financial Markets and Investments) ABM1220 Modiwl
ABM1320 (Advanced Corporate Finance) ABM1320 Modiwl
ABM1420 (Financial Research Methods) ABM1420 Modiwl
ABM1520 (Banking and Financial Intermediation) ABM1520 Modiwl
ABM1620 (Portfolio Analysis and Management) ABM1620 Modiwl
ABM1720 (Financial Econometrics) ABM1720 Modiwl
ABM1820 (International Finance and Capital Markets) ABM1820 Modiwl
ABM1960 (Dissertation) ABM1960 Modiwl
ABM2020 (Financial Management and Strategic Decision Making) ABM2020 Modiwl
ABM2120 (International Business Economics) ABM2120 Modiwl
ABM2220 (Leading People and Organisations) ABM2220 Modiwl
ABM2320 (Strategic Governance, Ethics and Business Sustainability) ABM2320 Modiwl
ABM2420 (Strategic Marketing Management) ABM2420 Modiwl
ABM2520 (Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management) ABM2520 Modiwl
ABM2660 (Executive Management Report (International Finance)) ABM2660 Modiwl
ABM2760 (Executive Management Report (International Business)) ABM2760 Modiwl
ABM2820 (Quality Engineering and Management) ABM2820 Modiwl
ABM2920 (Project Management Tools and Techniques) ABM2920 Modiwl
ABM3020 (Environmental Economics) ABM3020 Modiwl
ABM3120 (Business Economics) ABM3120 Modiwl
ABM3220 (International Business Environment) ABM3220 Modiwl
ABM3320 (Green Logistics and Supply Chains) ABM3320 Modiwl
ABM3420 (Leading and Managing Project) ABM3420 Modiwl
ABM3520 (Global Supply Chain Management) ABM3520 Modiwl
ABM5220 (International Strategy and Operations) ABM5220 Modiwl
ABM5320 (People and Organizations) ABM5320 Modiwl
ABM5420 (Corporate Governance and Sustainability) ABM5420 Modiwl
ABM5560 (Managerial Report) ABM5560 Modiwl
ABM6060 (Strategic Improvement Project 1) ABM6060 Modiwl
ABM7120 (Marketing Managment Strategy) ABM7120 Modiwl
ABM7220 (Global Marketing) ABM7220 Modiwl
AC30320 (Management Accounting 3) AC30320 Modiwl
AC30420 (Investments and Financial Instruments) AC30420 Modiwl
AC30520 (Corporate Finance and Financial Markets) AC30520 Modiwl
AC32920 (Financial Accounting 2) AC32920 Modiwl
AC33120 (Management Accounting 2) AC33120 Modiwl
AC34220 (Accounting and Finance: Analysis and Application) AC34220 Modiwl
BM10105 (Fundamentals of Project Management) BM10105 Modiwl
BM37005 (Business to Business marketing: Improving Business Networks) BM37005 Modiwl
BM37105 (Business to Consumer Relationship Development and Customer Experience) BM37105 Modiwl
BM37205 (Marketing Management) BM37205 Modiwl
BM37305 (Marketing Planning) BM37305 Modiwl
BMM0005 (An Introduction to Organisational Psychology) BMM0005 Modiwl
BMM0105 (Introduction to Strategic Leadership) BMM0105 Modiwl
BMM3705 (Marketing Planning) BMM3705 Modiwl
BMM5005 (Project Management Techniques) BMM5005 Modiwl
BMM5105 (Quality and Six Sigma Systems) BMM5105 Modiwl
BMM5205 (Lean and Industrial Energy Management) BMM5205 Modiwl
BMM5305 (Supply Chain and Logistics Systems) BMM5305 Modiwl
CB11120 (Hanfodion Cyfrifeg a Chyllid) CB11120 Modiwl
CB15120 (Hanfodion Rheolaeth a Busnes) CB15120 Modiwl
CB17120 (Egwyddorion Marchnata ac Ymarfer Cyfoes) CB17120 Modiwl
CB25120 (Gweithrediadau a Rheoli'r Gadwyn Cyflenwi) CB25120 Modiwl
CB25220 (Entreprenwriaeth a Chreu Menter Newydd) CB25220 Modiwl
CB25320 (Dulliau Ymchwil) CB25320 Modiwl
CB25420 (Rheolaeth Adnoddau Dynol) CB25420 Modiwl
CB25540 (Dadansoddi Busnes Strategol a Gwydnwch Gweithrediadau) CB25540 Modiwl
CB25720 (Hanfodion Rheolaeth a Busnes) CB25720 Modiwl
CB27120 (Rheolaeth Marchnata) CB27120 Modiwl
CB27220 (Ymddygiad Defnyddwyr a Phrynwyr) CB27220 Modiwl
CB29120 (Rheoli Cyrchfannau ac Atyniadau) CB29120 Modiwl
CB35120 (Arweinyddiaeth Strategol) CB35120 Modiwl
CB35540 (Traethawd Estynedig) CB35540 Modiwl
CB38020 (Sgiliau Cyflogadwyedd ar gyfer Gweithwyr Proffesiynol) CB38020 Modiwl
CYM7020 (Cyfieithu a Byd Busnes) CYM7020 Modiwl
DBM2020 (Financial Management and Strategic Decision Making) DBM2020 Modiwl
DBM2120 (International Business Economics) DBM2120 Modiwl
DBM2220 (Leading People and Organisations) DBM2220 Modiwl
DBM2320 (Strategic Governance, Ethics and Business Sustainability) DBM2320 Modiwl
DBM2420 (Strategic Marketing Management) DBM2420 Modiwl
DBM2520 (Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management) DBM2520 Modiwl
DBM2660 (Executive Management Report (International Finance)) DBM2660 Modiwl
DBM2760 (Executive Management Report (International Business)) DBM2760 Modiwl
EC31020 (Advanced Topics in Microeconomics) EC31020 Modiwl
EC31120 (Advanced Topics in Macroeconomics) EC31120 Modiwl
EC31320 (Economics of Labour and Industrial Relations) EC31320 Modiwl
EC31920 (Industrial Organisation and Policy) EC31920 Modiwl
EC32020 (Advanced Econometrics) EC32020 Modiwl
EC32120 (European and International Monetary Systems) EC32120 Modiwl
EC32320 (Independent Research Project) EC32320 Modiwl
EC32520 (The Business Cycle and Macroeconomic Policy) EC32520 Modiwl
EEM0020 (Product Innovation) EEM0020 Modiwl
EEM0160 (Engineering Managerial Report) EEM0160 Modiwl
EEM0220 (Capital Investments) EEM0220 Modiwl
EEM0360 (Investor Report) EEM0360 Modiwl
EN19920 (Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change) EN19920 Modiwl
MM30120 (Marketing Management) MM30120 Modiwl
MM32220 (Small Business Management) MM32220 Modiwl
MM33520 (Human Resource Management) MM33520 Modiwl
MM35020 (Research Project in Management, Business and Marketing) MM35020 Modiwl
MM39420 (Tourism Marketing) MM39420 Modiwl
MM39520 (Sustainable Tourism) MM39520 Modiwl
MM39620 (Tourism Development and Planning) MM39620 Modiwl
MMM1120 (Ethics, Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility in Organisations) MMM1120 Modiwl
MMM5720 (Leading Change) MMM5720 Modiwl
MMM5820 (Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders) MMM5820 Modiwl
MMM5920 (Facilitation for Organisation Leadership) MMM5920 Modiwl
MR30320 (Marchnata Strategol) MR30320 Modiwl
MR30420 (Marchnata Rhyngwladol) MR30420 Modiwl
MR30720 (Rheolaeth Marchnata) MR30720 Modiwl
MR32220(Rheoli Busnesau Bychain) MR32220 Modiwl
MR33520 (Rheolaeth Adnoddau Dynol) MR33520 Modiwl
MR34020 (Strategaeth Busnes) MR34020 Modiwl
MR35020 (Prosiect Ymchwil Mewn Rheolaeth, Busnes a Marchnata) MR35020 Modiwl
MRM9160 (Traethawd) MRM9160 Modiwl
PGM1910 (Leadership for Researchers) PGM1910 Modiwl
PGM4420 (Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)) PGM4420 Modiwl
PGM4510 (Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)) PGM4510 Modiwl
PGM4610 (Leadership for Researchers) PGM4610 Modiwl
PGM4820 (Orientation in Professional Research) PGM4820 Modiwl
PGM5060 (Pilot Doctoral Enquiry Project) PGM5060 Modiwl

Rhestrau wedi'u cysylltu [ADY] Ysgol Fusnes Aberystwyth / Aberystwyth Business School

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